

I am going to do my best that every Friday I share with you a handful of Steemians that have inspired me during the week. So because I am "stealing" the idea from @bitcoin-dood. We want to make it a thing, so, get yourself up a post, title and tag it #followfriday. Let's share with each other some really great people that deserve to be seen. Sometimes I might share duplicate Steemians over the weeks since this is really about sharing who has inspired me during the week. Sometimes I feel like their latest work really needs to be seen.

Today was a weird day and I will do my best to get this out earlier in the day! You may use my image above if you would like to for follow friday!

Check out these inspiring Steemians!


has taken the time to make a weekly homesteading newsletter! She features a few articles about gardening, homesteading, prepping, etc every Sunday! It's a feature I definitely look forward to each week. Here's the latest: Issue #3.

She also started the hashtag #homesteadingchallenge - so far I really think it's a great idea! Check out the first Homesteading Challenge!

@sflaherty and @cryptofrygirl

These two are some really great power couple that have put together my favorite community @steemitbc - of which I am pretty involved in - I can't help but share it, it's a real great place to be and make friends.

@sflaherty is a guy who knows a lot about a lot of things but really he knows a ton about crypto and is so helpful to anyone who asks about it. He's got opinions and knows what he wants in the world, check out his latest about the current state of policing on Steemit.

@cryptofrygirl doesn't post much but what she does is resteem real fabulous content. Helping other Steemians be seen by her 580+ Followers! She's mostly into running behind the scenes on @steemitbc and does a damn good job!


Now this guy is a fellow homesteader and is full of great information. He is really working hard at documenting all the processes of attaining and putting together his [$20k Homestead]. The series is jam packed full of useful information for anyone who is looking to get their own property!

His latest post, Homesteading is important to me because..., really lays out what homesteading means to him and what homesteading is at its very core. It's a deep one, grab a cup of coffee or something and really take the time to read it.

New Steemian Shoutout!


He's just started out in Steemit, has purchased bare land in Arkansas and is in the process of moving! I can't wait to see more of his adventure!

Check out his newest post on birdhouses!! Lots of cool videos and how to make in there. Definitely made me want to get out the tools!

He's had a lot of life, so you should definitely get to know him better over on his introduction post, I think he's neat!

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!


Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

Check out my most recent Steemit Posts.

Blog Series

  • Nature on the Farmstead - These posts will be educational and informative about the nature that happens on my farmstead. Look forward to posts about wild animals, birds, wildflowers and plants, insects, and more!

Badges by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood!

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