You can make Steemit work for you. How to monetize your Steemit efforts through WAO: Whale Attention Optimization

Did you come to Steemit for the Steem? For the money?

Here are some ideas on how you can monetize your Steemit efforts.
You can make Steemit work for you.


The open internet rewards you for making your content friendly to search engine bots to crawl.
Steemit rewards you for your content that Steemians value by upvoting. But, all votes are not equal on Steemit.


Search Engine Optimization

The open internet rewards you for making your content search friendly.
Of course, you must first produce content with people; not search engines in mind.
Only then, do you make that content easily findable by humans on search engines. This is done by optimizing your content for search engine bots to seamlessly crawl. The idea is that your content begins to be ubiquitously indexed on search engines. You then share that content further on social media to encourage even more potential exposure of your content.


Whale Attention Optimization

Steemit rewards you for your content that Steemians value by upvoting.
But, all votes are not created equal on Steemit.
While on Steemit, we write produce content for everyone on Steemit, the key to monetization on Steemit is the upvote of a whale or even a better, votes from a school of whales.
Read on for how to catch the attention of a whale or whale attention monetization.

Whale attention.gif

Long Form.

How To Monetize Your Steemit Efforts

As a Steemian you earn STEEM, SBD & Steem Power when a fellow Steemian upvotes your blog post or your comment.

Your ability to impact the payouts a post receives is based upon your current voting power times the total vesting STEEM and is known as STEEM power.
Curation Rewards

All upvotes are not created equal.

Steemit is not a one man, one equal vote democracy. Everyone's vote is not equal. A whale's vote is worth more than a dolphin's vote which is worth more than a minnow's vote.
Understanding how a vote valued is critical to your success in monetizing your Steemit efforts. Account for a vote's value keeping in mind the percentage of voting power that your upvoter has available & the percentage of his available voting power that your upvoter attributes to a particular vote.
The reputation score is an indirect measure of participation in the Steemit community. or one's reputation on Steemit. As a result, a 100% upvote from someone with a reputation score of 25 is worth less to you than a 50% upvote from someone with a reputation score of 50. As in life, the key to success on Steemit is your reputation.

How is the value of a user’s vote calculated?
The value of a single person’s vote varies based on:
Steem Power - More Steem Power means your vote has more strength in the network.
Voting Power - The higher your voting power, the stronger your vote.
Vote Strength - If you have at least one million VESTS (1MV), a slider bar will appear when voting. You can vote at any percentage between 1-100, with 100 being the most powerful.
Current value of a post - If your vote is worth $0.02 on a new post, it might be worth about $0.40 if a post is already valued at $200.
Number of votes being cast that day - If fewer people are voting one day, you’ll have more influence. However, if more people are voting, your vote will be worth less.
UPDATED Steemit FAQ - Section: "Voting" by @shenanigator Steemit FAQ

You can calculate the value of every vote.

Representative image from @mauricemikkers showing the values of votes.


On Steemit we trade the advantage of not needing ads for monetization of our content to needing whale support to ramp up monetization of our content.

Search Engine Optimization


Whale Attention Optimization


How To Attract the Attention of A Whale

1. Know who the whales are

2. Comment on posts that whales publish.

  • Some whales will upvote even a good post, fantastic post one liner comment, in order to encourage you. However, that comment spam streak will not last you for very long.
  • Intelligently comment on posts made by whales, ideally in an area where you have some expertise. If you are passionate about a subject, by all means voice your opinion.
           Ask yourself
           By this comment, am I adding value to this discussion? 
           To this post?

3. Don't attempt to fawn over or impress a whale

As in real life, we all smell a fake a mile off.

4. Be kind to newbies, minnows & dolphins

  • Whales have invested physical, emotional & intellectual capital in Steemit. For many, it is their joy to see their baby growing up.
  • Steemit will not tolerate obnoxious behaviour towards anyone especially newbies, their infant children.

5. Produce content you would yourself upvote.

Over time a whale bot will pick you up & regularly upvote you. A whale may even manually upvote you. When that happens remember not only the whales

But also, the dolphins

And the minnows

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