Stuck at 2100 ranking : how we can push steemit into the top 2000 on Alexa

Over the past six months has been moving steadily and healthily up the global website traffic rankings on Alexa.

It started its upward trend in March at a ranking of around 19000.

Then it started to climb and climb and climb.

Five months ago it had reached #16522.

Then just two months later it was on the verge of breaking into the 5000 most visited sites in the world.

By 7 July it had broken through to #4540.

Early August saw steemit make it into the top 3000 sites.

Then it continued to head onwards toward a top 2000 position peaking at around #2100 three weeks ago.

Since then it has flatlined and has even begun to drop back a little to position 2125.

I guess the traffic ranking for the site is driven primarily by two factors. Firstly how many active users are on the steemit. Secondly how many steemit pages are being found, and visited, via external sources - particularly Google and Facebook?

Maybe the Alexa ranking of steemit doesn't matter - it is only a number after all.

But anything that demonstrates growth in the platform must be a good thing.

Wouldn't it be good to be able to say steemit is in the top 2000 sites in the world - even better the top 1000.

How can we help get steemit into the top 2000

What can we all do to help steemit pick up its ranking growth again and break through to the top 2000?

Basically we want to get more people reading more pages on steemit.

It's not rocket science 😊

Recruiting more users to steemit is one part of that - as long as they stay and become active users.

User numbers are increasing day by day. And active users are increasing too which is encouraging.

However what is not so good is that, according to the statistics posted by @arcange, the daily numbers of posts has remained at just under 20,000 since the middle of June.

That is still almost 20,000 pages of extra content being added to the site everyday.

What is not known is how much of that is 'quality content' that Google will like to index well, and that social media users will want to share and view.

I suspect a good proportion of the daily output of posts is rather 'low level' content.

Taking a closer look I will upgrade my "suspect a good proportion" to definitely a lot!

Here are a few of the examples of the posts coming in the New feed just as I type :

And this one is the real cracker - particularly as my mother was Welsh.

Just in case you wanted a sample of what this amazing post says....

"The big fuel is smaller. Sopelka briefly chopped bimetal mastoidite agglutinin. Kalevshik potashny sulfid. Fleksura abazin is reverting a droplet rutter drop down drop-down proletarian modernist blow finishing off harponion idol protect the tabloid conquered organizer..."

I digress - but I couldn't resist highlighting that pile of steeming...

Clearly this sort of content is not going to make steemit go boom-boom in the Google search rankings.

We need quality content for that. @jerrybanfield told us all about what is needed for this in one of his posts :

@infobunny tells more in his post Steemit SEO Guide - How to rank on Google.

Good content works for the search engines.

For example a friend of mine, @halcyondaze, from the HomesteadSlackers group posted this article about his visit to Frinklepod Farm in Maine only 3 days ago, yet it is already ranking at #11 on Google for the search term "Frinklepod Farm in Maine" :

What must we do?

It is simple really. To help get into Alexa's top 2000, and beyond, we've got to...

  • cut the crap, write good content and tell everyone we know about it.

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[header graphic by @pennsif // Alexa ranking graph form]

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