Newbie Nuggets: How To Profit From Commenting On Other People's Posts

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One of the reasons that I loved blogging at Steemit is the comments that I received for each of my post. There is so much love, support and encouragement from these comments. And when the earnings for the post are low, it is these comments that keep me going.

But I have come across some comments which are very generic and are not at all related to the subject matter. Example of such comments are “Nice Post”, “I vote for you please vote for me in return and follow me.” I took part in a color challenge with just a few lines of write-up and the comment that I received was “Very detailed post, I know you put in a lot of effort”. I was thinking, what the heck! Did these guys even bother to read my post in the first place or did they simply just copy and paste the same comments. It is very tempting but at times I have to restrain myself from down-voting these comments.
Therefore to make your comments stand out and appreciated, just following simple guidelines:-

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1. Read The Post

Read the damn post. This will give you the content and context of the post including the ideas or views or information that the author is trying to convey. In this way the comments that you make will not be out of topic.

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2. Ask Questions

If there is something that you don’t understand or that you want clarified, ask a question. It can be something as simple as the location of a photograph, asking for hotel recommendation if the post is about a vacation, etc.

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3. Ensure That Your Comments Add Value To the Post

As an author, I deeply appreciate comments that add depth to my article. My article becomes more interesting and in-depth. And in quite a few instances these comments actually gave me the ideas to create new content.

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4. Provide Feedback To The Author

As an author, I am constantly looking for feedback from my readers. Do the readers like my article or do they hate it? Should I continue to write more articles on the same topic or should l switch to other topics? How useful was the article, did it really help the readers to solve their problems. Therefore if your comments can provide valuable feedback to the author, these comments will be deeply appreciated by the author. So instead of just commenting nice post, state why you liked the post.

You do not necessarily have to agree with the views of the author. Just make sure that you state your own views in a respectful manner. Share with the author if you have similar or different experience on the topic.

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5. Never Spam Your Comments

@steemcleaners are not only looking for spam posts but spam comments as well. Therefore if you spam your comments you will not only piss off the author but you maybe flagged by @steemcleaners as well. Go your quality comments instead of quantity.

Your comments are like your conversation with the author, make them engaging and you will not go wrong. If you take the time to write quality comments, it is more likely to be up-voted not only by the author but also other readers as well. The quality of your comments will give an indication of the quality of your posts. Once I have read good comments, I am more inclined to visit the profile of the reader and follow him. So do put in the time and effort to write quality comments and you will be duly rewarded as well.

Follow me and stay positive.

Do check out my previous posts.

Positive Reflections: The Day I Walked On Hot Coals
Positive Reflections: How To Make Every Day A Great Day
Color Challenge Sunday Purple: Street Art Of Georgetown, Penang
Your Computer May Have Been Used For Mining Cryptocurrency Without Your Knowledge
Positive Reflections: Are We Majoring In Minor Things

Spreading positivity one post at a time.

If you like my writing please up-vote, share and comment. Please help me to spread the message of positivity and support on Steemit by resteeming this post.

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