Querying Steem blockchain data - Getting started

Reading the comments on a post by @stephenkendal, I noticed that some people ( @teukumukhlis, @lighteye, @ervin-lemark ) were, like me, not sure how to gain access to Steemit / Steem data from the blockchain in an easy to use queriable format.

Here is how I went about it;

Step 1

Head on over to steemsql.com, which is hosted and maintained by @arcange, and have a look there.
This is a free, publicly accessible SQL service with the blockchain data.

Step 2

Now, I needed a client for MSSQL (that's Microsoft SQL), so I tried grabbing one from the App Store (working on a Mac).
That sucked terribly, so I tried another, from the app store too, which was worse.
On about the fourth attempt I found Valentina Studio, which is free to use after an initial registration.

This has worked well for me so far, being stable etc. with the added benefit that they have versions for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Step 3

Now its time to connect to the database, because I don't want to duplicate it because it might change, I am going to point you back to steemsql.com for the connection details.

The important bits are the Server, User and Password

This step will differ depending on your client, but for the sake of brevity I will give examples from Valentina Studio.

I used the path File > Connect to...
This opened up a dialog box with a choice of database server types on the left. Remember that we are connecting to a MSSQL server, so click on that. This was the first in my list.

You can see some of the fields filled in, in the image. Go ahead and fill the blanks.
Connection Name - Put anything in here, for reference only.
Connection Method - leave this as Standard TCP/IP
Host - Mine is sql.steemit.com, but just make sure it's the same as it is on the site.
User - Again, this comes from steemsql.com, mine is steemit and yours will probably be the same
Password - From the site, as above.
Database - You can safely ignore this, but if you HAVE to fill it in, use SteemDB as this is the database we will be working with.

Now just click the magical 'Connect' button and you should be faced with the following screen. If not, double check the connection details.

If you entered a database name in the previous window, you will have it selected now. If not, click on SteemDB.

By now your screen should look similar to this;

Now click on the Open button to load up that database.

Step 4

Last step is to locate the Open SQL Editor... button at the bottom, and click on it.

Now you are ready to start querying Steem and Steemit data from the blockchain!

In conclusion

Gaining access to the Steem / Steemit data from the blockchain has been made incredibly easy, thanks to the work done by @arcange (follow! now!).

If you have even the most remote interest in what's available I encourage you to hook up a connection to the service and play around.

I will be following this post up with more, focussing on simple queries and explaining what the tables and fields mean (as I understand them). I am no expert, but am going to share what I know as well as my opinion ;)

Thanks for taking the time to read this, I would love to hear from you in the comments!

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