"Welcome to Steemit" Banner Submisions - Community Review!

The "Welcome to Steemit" page is the first thing that new users will see after they signup for an account via Steemit.com. We want the page to look awesome and inviting!

@bitcoiner and I posted a $50 SBD bounty to get submissions from the community for the banner that will go at the top of the page.

After we receive feedback from the community (via this post), we will review the submissions with Steemit, Inc. and see which ones qualify for the site. Assuming we find at least one that works - we will chose one winner and update the "Welcome to Steemit" page to have the new banner at the top!!

Important note - The raw images (without the text) are what will get used on the site. We will overlay HTML text over the top, but it will not be in the same format as the text in the image. We will do our best to make it look similar, but it will look different than what is shown. The images that are shown with text on them are a SAMPLE of what the banner could look like with text.

Here are the entries!

Entry 1 ( @rigaronib ):

Entry 2 ( @son-of-satire ):

Artist vision post: here

Entry 3 [Animated Version] ( @son-of-satire ):

Artist vision post: here

(I'm not sure if we will be able to make the animated version work, but we will try.)

Entry 4 ( @elewarne ):

Artist vision post: here

Entry 5 ( @rigaronib ):

Entry 6 [Animated Version] ( @son-of-satire ):

Artist vision post: here

(I'm not sure if we will be able to make the animated version work, but we will try.)

Entry 7 ( @son-of-satire ):

Artist vision post: here

Entry 8 [Tiled] ( @oceansoul13 ):

Artist vision post: here

Entry 9 ( @oceansoul13 ):

Artist vision post: here

Please post your feedback in the comments below!

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