Curation With Style: The Best of the Unmentionables Ep. 2 (20/9/17)

Warning: This curation list may cause an insatiable desire to join #TheUnmentionables and improve your writing - reader beware.

The best of #TheUnmentionables content (20/9/17) - curated with love.

(Huge thanks to @enchantedspirit for becoming our group curator - be sure to give her a follow and some love!)


We may be small, but we're mighty. We're #TheUnmentionables !!
And now, our Fearless Leader @FatPandaDesign is going to Steemfest2 in Lisbon, Portugal where he will represent our interests well, help educate other Steemians about us ... and somewhere in there, he'll have a fabulous time.

Winning plane tickets to this party would make anyone's day ... but it couldn't happen to a better guy. He's had his share of tough times lately.

So learn more about him. Learn more about us. Learn more about Steemfest2. You might decide to pack up your laptop, sneak out the back door at work and join him. I guarantee he'll be happy to meet you. And I promise this, too: He's worth the trouble.

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The Unmentionables is going to Steemfest2!
Panda Wins the @FirePower SteemFest Ticket Contest!



I learn something new and interesting every time I read this writer's blog. You'll find him at @mountainwashere

He's a scientist with shades of a philosopher mixed in, so his writing style is a little tonier than you find on most blogs. (Who knows? The change might do you good!)

In this essay, he talks about some of the treasures that have been lost to science, culture and history because the records that would keep them available ... don't exist. The reasons themselves are fascinating and present some ideas I bet you never considered. I know they were revealing for me. So, if you're laced up and ready for writing that will make you think ... here you go!

(Mountain -- yeah, that's his real name -- writes well and is easy to read. Don't be put off because I said it was all science-y and stuff.)

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Scientific and Historical Invisibility:
How the Unknown Changes the Known



It takes a special kind of person and a special kind of courage to breathe deep and decide to build a life as a homesteader. Steemian @wholesomeroots and her family meet this challenge every day. In her lovely, lucid essays she tells you what it's like, what to do and how to do it.

There are a lot of fine health and economic reasons why they do what they do. But, just the inspiration of being this independent is something to admire. Moreover, sustainable gardening may become a survival skill for all of us. Here she talks about soil and mulch and dealing with pests. (Before you get all excited, let me say dealing with 2-legged pests is a whole 'nother issue. Sorry, you're still on your own.)

So, before Monstanto manages to poison all the soil we walk on and every speck of nourishment in the food chain, explore what might be an option in your own best interests. Food is the very stuff of life. To produce your own is a revolutionary act. It might save and it certainly will change your life to do it. Be responsible. Have fun. Learn to grow your own garden.


Self-Sustaining Vegetable Garden! How YOU Can Do It Too!


Our fearless leader @fatpandadesign writes about the mission, the culture and the way to find -- and maybe join -- @unmentionable . If you've heard about us, learn more about us. You might wind up as one of us. (Resistance is futile.)

Personal note to @fatpandadesign -- Yeah, I might want to become "a badass mutated Whalephin that devours everything in its path." Just sayin'.


Bio-Engineering Minnows Into Mutant Whalephin-Narwhalz
Learn, Earn, & WIN w/ Us!



Ah, crypto(currency). It speaks a language of its own and it dominates about 90% of the conversations on Steemit. Eventually, you may learn to speak it -- or at least understand it -- in self-defense. As part of your homework, consider reading this analysis on the recent Bitcoin craziness brought on by rumors of China maybe throwing its weight around.

If you think high-stakes gambling tables in Vegas are fun, maybe you should get in on this game. It's volatile. In some ways it's virtual. And there's some who say the concept of the currency itself is all in your imagination.

Still, there's plenty of people willing to talk about it, write about it, and take it seriously. If you're playing on that team, here's something to consider from @rmc One guy's opinion. And even he alludes obliquely to the conventional wisdom on those.




@pathtosuccess is kind of a Renaissance person who writes an inspirational blog-post mostly every day based around his (her?) musings on a quote with some notes on the person who said it. The one featured here is a lyrical reverie on the power of imagination -- and how hard it is to keep in touch with yours in a world that doesn't value that treasure nearly enough.

I've followed this blog for a while now. It's one of my regular stops. If there's a bit of the philosopher in you, you might want to do the same. Enjoy this example. And if this is "right up your alley" the way it was for me ... you're welcome!


Coffee Time Meditation #19 -- Sept. 19th


If you're an avid reader and haven't yet found and followed @shadowspub ... well, you're in for a real treat. Her Steamit Ramble posts are an anthology of interesting pieces she's found in her daily travels through the steem-osphere. Her finds are top-notch, eclectic and they always make her posts worth the stop.

Following her lead can also take you down some twisting trails to other treasures. This entry is a great representative example of her work. Since wading through the "mess" is sometimes a problem here and elsewhere, let @shadowspub clear a path for you while you find your footing. If this really captures your heart, you can join her curation trail.


September 18 -- Steemit Ramble #122
Curating Great Posts for You



This is an interesting entry from a young Nigerian writer who, despite his youth, has developed a most delightful style. His writing grabs your attention no matter what his subject. This example, written when he was feeling under the weather, reads a little like a stream-of-conscousness fever dream -- both serious and strangely amusing -- a piquant flavor all its own.


The Journal of a Mildly Frustrated Nigerian Entry 3


Steemian @karencarrens tells it like it is. "If your photos take too long to load, you could very well lose the attention of your audience." So do yourself and your audience a favor. Don't waste their time making them wait on what you want to say and show them. Once spent, time is a resource you can never reclaim. Nobody has scads to spare. Be a considerate blogger ... and a good Steemit citizen. It's a good idea, and it's gotta be good Karma!


Bookmarkable Series: Is the slow load time of your photos
costing you upvotes, resteems and followers?
Includes a step-by-step quick-fix tutorial. (FREE)



The spirit of Dante Alighieri, it seems, still lives in the thoughts and writing of our own resident poet, @dante31. Here in less than 20 evocative lines, he captures the empty frustration of waiting ... and questions the wisdom of doing so. Have a look.

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Waiting For Tomorrow


Something to consider on the virtues and problems associated with bottled water ... depending on the water issues in your part of the world.

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Disadvantages of Bottled and RO Water; We are not Aware!


Would you like the chance to see one of your posts featured here? Join our friendly writing-and-curating group #TheUnmentionables. Find us here: @unmentionable It's quick. It's easy. And you'll be glad you did. Three of the best reasons I can think of off the top of my head! We hope to meet you soon on our dedicated Discord server.


The author of this list of curated posts by members of #TheUnmentionables is @enchantedspirit whose mostly metaphysical writing can be found on her own blog. The opinions here are strictly hers ... but they're also very true!




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