Coffee Time Meditation #19 -- Sept. 19th

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.” — Jamie Paolinetti

Thoughts on Today’s Quote

Ever been around a child who has not had limits placed on their imagination? The world is their oyster and they don’t have a care for any limitations on what they imagine.

We adults have an awful habit of injecting ‘reality’ into a child’s imagination. In time, some of them allow their imagination to fade into the background yielding to a desire to have the approval of the adults in their lives.

When I was in grade school, one of my teachers used to put out a box of pictures for us to go through and select one to write a story about. One day, I came across a picture of the Planter’s peanut guy that someone had dressed up as a pirate.

I sat down to write a story and it just flowed. I had him out on the high seas capturing and plundering ships, stealing all their peanuts to build his empire. I was rather proud of myself and even more so when my teacher gave me an A+. None of my stories had ever got an A and I got an A+. I raced home to show my mother.

She looked at the story and went off on a rant about the stupidity of what kids were being taught in school these days. I put the story away and never looked at it again.

In my imagination, I had no problem seeing the planter’s guy as a pirate. There were no limitations to what he could do and I let the story flow. I didn’t care that peanuts didn’t have people characteristics, or couldn’t talk or any other real flaw with the image. It was limitless.

Many years later, my niece was drawing a tree one day. My mother saw her with a blue crayon in hand and immediately started instructing her that trees aren’t blue, they have brown trunks and green foliages. My niece quietly continued drawing her trees with her blue crayon. When my mother persisted, I heard this quiet firm voice inform her, “Nana, in my world today, trees are blue.”

I cheered her in my mind and wished that I’d had the faith in my own imagination to not have allowed my mother to shake my faith in mine.

Being an adult now, I can make the choice to let my imagination flow again. It is only my mind that can stop me now, if I let it.

Do you let your imagination fly?

Who is Jamie Paolinetti?

Jamie Paolinetti was born and raised in Los Angeles. After completing an undergraduate degree, his first job was working as a LA County Sheriff.

On a day when the waves were too flat to be able to surf, Jamie borrowed a racing bike to take a spin on it. What emerged was a passion that sparked a 17 year career in bike racing. He became one of the best known American racers being part of winning all of the major races on the American circuit including the Schroeder Iron race.

He retired from racing at the age of 39 and studied filmmaking and theatre at UCLA. While studying he made his first feature length documentary about professional bike racing as experienced by the riders.

He continues to work extensively as a writer/director in TV, film and theatre. He’s served as Artistic Director of the Atwater Playhouse in Los Angeles for more than ten years.

*I will try to find information on the author of the quotes I share. I wont always be successful.

Don’t know about you, but I find it interesting to know who the person was that anyone took the time to record or quote that person.*

About Coffee Time Meditation

I love being inspired by other people’s quotes. I thought I’d start sharing some quotes that inspire me along with my own thoughts the quote evokes within me. So, think of someone, like me, sitting quietly with the first fresh coffee of the day and mediating about the words of the quote. That would be me, or it could be you.

I invite you to share your own thoughts on the quote in the comments.

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Have a great day
Path to Success


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