The Unmentionables, A Community for Minnows & Writers That Want to WIN!

Welcome to a great new community

The Unmentionables

The Unmentionables

Steemit is a place of amazing potential. Its vision and promise are what brought us all here. But for a small fish ... or even a medium sized fish -- the pond can be overwhelming. Getting seen isn't easy. Finding your audience takes work. Getting those first few encouraging comments or upvotes may take so long you start to feel invisible. Our community, however, can help you realize you are not alone.

We support one another. We give meaningful feedback. We can provide the fertile ground you need to grow. If you know you create good content and you know your work is undervalued, we can help you through the transition time as you find your footing and hit a new level of creativity and excellence.

Working together we can help in ways you just can't find as easily working alone. Good members like you can help grow our presence on Steemit, and the group can help shorten the time it takes you to succeed. It's a win-win for everyone, because that's what we aim for!

YOU can be part of this group. You can take part in this great opportunity.

The Unmentionables hold to these ideals:

  • Loyalty
  • Selflessness
  • Help and support
  • Care and respect
  • Friendship and a feeling of family

Apply to join us here.

Our Discord server has channels dedicated to post promotion, post improvement, community chat, contests, cryptocurrency, and much, much more. We also have mentors available to answer your specific questions about formatting, writing, images, or anything else that will help you produce better posts.

We have a group account, @unmentionable, which has over 10,000 delegated Steem Power! Each day, our account votes on the best content from among our members, giving an average of $1 per vote! The account also features regular curation posts, which showcase our selected posts.

Image source. Used via a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

We have users from all across Steemit, and we would love to have you! Our members have diverse interests and excel in many different creative fields. You must, however, be able to read, write and speak excellent English.

There is never a better time than now! Apply to join us!

Still not convinced? Check out some of the great content from our members featured in recent Curation Posts!

Weekend Hike on the Appalachian Trail to McAfee's Knob

All Hail The Conquering King
The Unstoppable Earthworm


My Songwriting Process: Part 4
Mixing and Finishing


Unconditional Basic Income
Is a Pigovian Subsidy for Unpaid Work


Bookmarkable Series: What's the Font?!
A Step-by-Step Tutorial on
How to Determine which Font was Used


#08 Design
Steemit Profile Designs
steemitgottalent & mountainwashere


On Mental Illness,
Addiction, and Suicide Prevention


Catalan Crackdown
The events in Spain could reignite a wave
of separatist movements across Europe.
Who else wants out?


What day is it?
It is Fruits and Veggies Monday, my friends.
Croatian Style Italian Bruschettas


Self-Sustaining Vegetable Garden!
How YOU Can Do It Too!


A Drawing of Gandalf the Grey

A Tribute to my Parents ... Their Story
The Start (Part 1)


Maintained by Catweasel for The Unmentionables


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1 column