STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE - Winners of #47 "A Hearty Dinner for a Ravenous Rambler"

"After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one's own relatives" ~ Oscar Wilde.

Last week's theme "A Hearty Dinner for a Ravenous Rambler" didn't get many entries, but the ones we got were super!  Without a doubt all four entries would completely satisfy even the most ravenous rambler, and as there are 4 prizes then you all get one.  Hooray!  I like when everyone goes home happy.  It seems 'rambler' isn't the easiest to translate... but I forget sometimes as I'm a country girl originally from the Yorkshire Dales, England... the land of Wensleydale cheese, Wallace & Gromit, All Creatures Great and Small, Emmerdale etc etc etc... and we're well used to rambling and eating 'Rambler's Platters' and all that good stuff!

Anyway, these fabulous entries definitely had my belly growling as I imagined gobbling them down after a long energetic day rambling!  Not only would I desire to be full, but also to feel nourished.  These recipes here are proper winter warmers, perfect for this weather we're getting here in Ireland.  I awoke this morning and there was the first snow on Muckish Mountain... brrrrrr.  I congratulate all of you for your excellent recipes and gorgeous looking dishes, and for your prizes!  Well done!

The new theme will be posted later, as the guest judge I had pulled out last minute due to ill health.  Am working on it so will post as soon as I can!  In the meantime I hope you enjoy feasting your eyes on these delicious dinners...

"Great Feast" by @marzi

"Vegan Roasted Pepper Chili over Baked Potatoes" by @plantstoplanks

"Hot Vegan Ramen For Chilly Person!" by @babettxx

"Grandmother's Goulash" by @lenasveganliving

4th prize 5 SBD sponsored by @sirwinchester

"Great Feast" by @marzi

3rd prize 10 SBD sponsored by @gringalicious

"Grandmother's Goulash" by @lenasveganliving

2nd prize 15 SBD sponsored by @gringalicious

"Hot Vegan Ramen For Chilly Person!" by @babettxx

1st prize 20 SBD sponsored by @gringalicious

"Vegan Roasted Pepper Chili over Baked Potatoes" by @plantstoplanks

#47 - A Hearty Dinner for a Ravenous Rambler

~~ A YEAR OF 1st PRIZE WINNERS!  SCC "Hall of Foodie Fame" ~~ 

#46 - Apple  

#45 - Vegan Buddha Bowl  

#44 - Chocolate Crazy Dessert Divine  

#43 - Autumn Feast Special  

#42 - Beautiful Bread  

#41 - Monochrome  

#40 - Mexican Food Showdown  

#39 - Baby Food  

#38 - Vegan Dishes From Around The World  

#37 - Healthy Yet Tempting Food for Children  

#36 - Food Fit For A German  

#35 - Ice-Cream  

#34 - A Smoothie for @smooth  

#33 - Brilliant Berries  

#32 - Picnic Alfresco  

#31 - Vegan Main  

#30 - Tempting Tarts  

#29 - Take Me To Brunch... In Your Country  

#28 - Cupcakes  

#27 - Be A Michelin Star Chef For One Night  

#26 - Sugar-Free Raw Vegan Desserts  

#25 - Your Favourite Dish  

#24 - Mouthgasms  

#23 - Otsumami  

#22 - Mediterranean Night  

#21 - Coffee a la Barista's  

#20 - Pancake Paradise  

#19 -  Sweet and Savory Crepes  

#18 - Tasty, Wholesome Meals for Weight Loss  

#17 - Shepherd's Pie  

#16 - Tacos for a Tech Savvy  

#15 - Roast It 


#13 - The Finest Fish Dish  

#12 - Purely Paleo  

#11 - Cheeseless Burger  

#10 - Anglo–Sino Chicken  

#9 - New Year on a Platter  

#8 - La Pasta Perfetta  

#7 - Battle of Noodles  

#6 - HOT Off the Grill  

#5 - Unorthodox Chillied Dish  

#4 - Super Salads  

#3 - Smoothie Showdown  

#2 - Out of the Box Sandwiches    

#1 - Sniffle Remedy Soup

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me,  either by posting your queries on the comment thread below, or you can find me on under the same name.  I will respond as soon as I can.   

For the announcement of winners and new themes, follow me 

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