Did You Know? 10 Cool Facts Episode 2: Fun Facts About Fridays!

There’s more to Friday than you thought!

Congratulations on the successful completion of another week!

Let’s celebrate with ten amazing facts about Friday.

1. Friday is completely man-made.

A year marks one full revolution around the sun. Months are supposed to mark the time between full moons. There is no real reason for seven day weeks.

The seven-day week goes back 4000 years to ancient Babylon. They believed there were seven planets in our solar system, and the number seven held such tremendous power that they planned their lives and days around the digit.

2. What's in a name?

In Danish and Norweigian fri means to propose marriage. In Sanskrit, Friday is translated to priya, or "wife." In Dutch, it's vrijen, which means "to make love." The word “Friday” originates from the Norse goddess of fertility Freya.

Is this why Fridays are the biggest date nights?

3. The color blue is associated with Friday in Thailand.

4. Months that begin with a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th.

5. In maritime lore it is unlucky to begin a voyage on a Friday.

6. Friday the 13th is an expensive day for America- research shows productivity declines and much money is lost.

7. According to insurance corporations, more accidents happen on Friday than any other day of the week.

Happy hours, a more relaxed attitude, and rush to begin the weekend all contribute.

8. If the tailgater doesn't get you the hackers will.

Companies are most likely to suffer phishing and hacks on a Friday.

This could be because cybervillians know it's more difficult to track them down and they will have more time to cover their tracks over the weekend as most IT and security are off for the weekend.

9. Fridays are treacherous politically as well. It's the day most likely for war to be declared.

10. On a happy note, Friday is the best day to apply for a job.

Probably because all the other candidates are in the hospital from fender benders.

Happy Friday Steemit! Stay safe and celebrate responsibly!

Did you miss Episode one of Did You Know? 10 Cool Facts! Episode 1: Awesome Science!?

Images via Giphy

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With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!


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