5 Journalist Tricks to Help You Create Epic Blog Posts

Even if you aren't posting news on Steemit, take a few tried and true reporting tricks to capture your reader's attention.

Journalists must get noticed. If their headline doesn't grab an audience they will be replaced - there are a lot of hungry writers eager for a chance.

That's why they use a variety of techniques and strive to deliver information that the public needs and wants. They are in the business of getting noticed, and here are five proven techniques you can consume to boost your blog posts, get noticed, and amplify your following.

Get the Scoop

If you want to get noticed you are going to have to get your hands dirty. Do some digging. Advanced Google Search is a great resource to find information. By utilizing search operators you can find information "hidden" within a website.

Take advantage of site search functions to improve the quality of your search. Learn how in this easy guide.

Remember to always triple check your information for legitimacy- research, research, research!

Focus on Your Reader

What does your audience want? If your readers are into sports and technology, not many will care what the Kardashians did last night unless Kim purchased the Red Sox or Khloe invented a new form of communication. You captured your audience by writing what you know and by having a lot in common with them. In order to keep your audience and introduce new subjects, they need to intersect.

Write for one person. Think about your audience and create one member who encompasses their likes and needs. Picture this reader, down to their hair color and clothing style, and imagine him or her every time you write.

Capture Attention With a Powerful Title

If the title of your post is boring, the reader will assume the content is boring. Play around with wording until your title is catchy! Thesaurus is your friend!

I cannot stress the importance of your title enough. It will make or break your blog post!

Keep Up With Trends

You don't have to be pop culture paparazzi, but you do need to know what's going on to be a successful writer online. A quick scan of headlines a couple times a week is sufficient, and you can delve deeper into subjects that are related to your niche. Google Trends is a great resource for learning what the world is talking about right now, and you can narrow it down to a subject or one region or nation, compare topics, and even get keyword ideas.

Consider creating a Google Alert to notify you daily with reports on your topic of interest.

Not Just a Blogger

Your posts need to answer the 5 W's- Who, What, Where, When and Why. Your job as a blogger is to present information, solve problems and answer questions, and make your readers lives easier.

And you need to do it in an entertaining way.

You must craft stories that are creative and compel the public into becoming regular readers and supporters of your blog. Become a good storyteller and you will accomplish these goals and set yourself up for a successful career.

These strategies will make your job easier and cement you as a powerful blogger who presents solid information that readers know they can trust.

Think of yourself as a journalist covering the story and not just a blog writer, and your readers will never want to miss a post.

Most importantly write with passion and write often.

Images via Creative Commons and Giphy

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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