Effective problem solving and leadership requires a strong critical thinking core, comprised of skills and essentials needed to to be successful in school, business, and our daily lives.
Strengthening your Critical Thinking Core will help you navigate any problem that crosses your path quickly and creatively.
Critical Thinking Core
Leadership- the ability to lead others through problem solving, creating, insight and management
Connecting and Relating- understanding all the information and how it relates to the rest
Operational- understanding how it works and translating problems into solutions
There are many more skills to nurture and draw upon, but these are the main that make up the "core".
And just like with fitness, critical thinking skills can be exercised at any time and any age or stage of your life.
An excellent exercise to strengthen your core critical thinking skills is to "solve" a current problem. Pick a problem; world hunger, for instance, and develop a plan to fix it.
If your class or group is large enough, seperate into specialized "teams" to tackle certain issues, for instance.
Analyze each of the smaller problems, brainstorm, make a plan and develop the best solution.
When you have done this with all the small issues, cross reference and see if one will create a new problem in another.
Review and revise.
By analyzing all of the smaller issues that complicate the bigger picture, you will gain valuable insight.
This exercise takes some time, but it exercises all of your critical thinking muscles!
And you never know, you just might fix a few problems in the really real world, too :)
Images via Unsplash
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With Love, Light and Good Mojo!
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