The Art of Critical Thinking part 2

Knowledge is power. But knowledge is useless without knowing how to think.

In the Art of Critical Thinking part 1, we learned how to question, and the skill of learning what kinds of questions to ask.

Today I will share a simple exercise to make your life easier if you are a teacher, manage employees, or run a volunteer group.

When you are tasked with introducing a subject to a group of children or adults, it can be daunting to know where to begin. But begin you must, and the best place to start is by learning what your students already know!

  • Introduce the topic to your group.

  • Write the topic on the first line of a notebook sheet.

  • Pass the sheet to the first person. Inform that they must write one sentence describing the topic on the first line then pass the paper to the next person.

  • The next person writes theirs then they will fold the paper to cover the last person's sentence so only theirs is visible.

  • Each time the paper is passed, the next person can only see one sentence. They must keep adding the next phase of their understanding.

    This will help you to know how much your students know about the topic. You will know where you need to spend the most of your time and know where to begin.

This also teaches your students critical thinking in how to utilize the tiny bit of information shown with what they currently know. They learn to critically apply what logic and knowledge they already possess and accurately explain themselves with clarification as they only have one sentence to work with.

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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