Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

To mourn is to have lost too large of a piece of your heart. Those who mourn are those who opened their hearts wide, so much that they joined with the soul of another.

Ever marvel at how Moms have that special intuition, the proverbial "eyes in the back of her head"? When a mother gives birth to her child, pieces of that child remain with her. Fragments of his DNA are intertwined with hers forever.

When two souls find each other in this mad sea of 7 billion, and are drawn like magnets to mesh their lives and interweave their realities together, they become one.

To suffer the loss of a piece of yourself is devastating. And physically painful- they don't call it a broken heart for nothing.

Those who mourn are the greatest givers. They loved so greatly, and gave so much of themselves, that they are crushed and empty from the loss of their person. Those who mourn are the most blessed of all, proof that there is beauty and love in this world.

One who mourns needs support and compassion from the outside, as they are unable to create it from within themselves. The pain is overwhelming and they are unable to comfort themselves. They desperately need us to help them through the process- it is dangerous to try to go it alone.

One can also mourn the loss of a job. Or their home. The loss of a pet is devastating as it was a member of their family. Your divorced friends need TLC as well. And don't forget your soldier, he may be mourning the loss of his buddys from the battlefield and suffering debilitating PTSD as well.

"Blessed are they that mourn." Profoundly and absolutely true.


  • Do you know someone who’s recently lost a loved one?

Offer to provide comfort and a listening ear. Being there to listen, and to be a shoulder, is the most important thing you can do.

  • Do you have a friend who is out of work?

Help the person polish his or her résumé, and connect the person with others you know could use his or her skills.

  • How can you help someone who is in physical or emotional pain?

Nothing says “get well soon” like homemade soup, warm bread, and a good book. Help with a little housework or run an errand.

Christmas can be the loneliest time of year for those in mourning.

By being there for someone and letting them know they are not alone in this time of grief, you are giving the greatest gift. One worth far more than any item you can purchase from a store.

How will you Light The World for someone today?

Image via Unsplash

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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