A day in the future: “getting that pizza from the TV”

”A day in the future” will be a series of posts about fictional and "mundane" conversations people will have in the future. The goal for me here is to present futurists day to day interactions from a human point of view.




In a not so distant future

A family is resting while watching TV and suddenly an ad start

From an holographic TV: “just for today we have a special offer! Buy this new Galactic-Pizza and receive for free our new tasty chips with extra pepper...”

Father: wow that sounds good!
Mother (with a “knowing” face): well what are you waiting for? its your birthday, order it now and stop with that puppy eyes as if you were starving like in the 2000s...
Father (with a jester-like smile): son! Go and put your hand in the TV and grab it right now before the ad finishes!
Son (with a grumpy face): coming dad...

The son goes to the holographic TV and literally put his hand inside the holographic image, at that same moment the atomic structure of that same pizza is automatically downloaded to the family home, and thanks to nano-technology, this pizza along with the free chips literally materialize seemingly out of nowhere, the son grabs them and takes them out of the TV. All of this process happens in real time, just as if the food was already cooked inside the TV.

tv 2 image.jpg



Son (with the same jester-like smile as his dad): here you go pa, and it actually looks better than I thought, can I taste it?
Father (with a grumpy face): ok well just give it a little bite, little ok? Besides if you want one just go and order a new one. I want this pizza to be just for me!!
Son (going to the house’s materializer): Materializer, I want one more pizza and charge it to my dad’s account!
Father: great! Another birthday where I am the one paying for everything...

The family resume watching TV for the rest of the night...

tv 3.jpg


Do you think in the future an interaction like that would be possible?


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