Steemlords #Steemph: Deveerei, The Avatar (Chapter 3: Flight of the Dragons! And an Owl!)

I found a photo of Sir Pheli and Sir Silvernova in their super cool armors! ( @phelimint @silvernova )

The three woke up in the midst of the dust. Deveerei knew what happened but Sir Pheli and Sir Silvernova doesn't seem to have any recollection of what took place, not even of their death and revival.

"Where are we? I thought we were just walking this path earlier?", asked Sir Pheli.

"I'm not sure as well. The paths not even here anymore, I thought I saw giants earlier!", Sir Silvernova exclaimed, looking around to figure out what happened.

"There was a big earthquake earlier, the ground split up and we three flew up the air and fell bad, I think we were unconscious for some time...", Deveerei lied. It will be easier this way.

"Who are you? If we may ask.", said Sir Pheli. "Aye, your clothes look weird, aren't you from here?", followed Sir Silvernova.

"I'm just a traveler, you two look like knights, with all that armor and stuff.", answered Eru's Avatar.

"Haha! Yes, you guess good. We're actually waiting for our dragons to pick us up. We were supposed to be gifted, one each. They're really late though. And we have this mission to fulfill and a sea to cross!", explained Sir Silvernova.

"I see... hmm... If you want I can create dragons for you. It's fairly easy. I have this art technique that summons anything I want into reality. Dragons may be hard though. Especially crossing the seas. My summons fade away when they get wet, cause they're made of ink.", Deveerei said.

"Wait a minute! I have 2 extra waterproof ink vials that I can use. I'd like to give them to you as a token. I'm glad I met knew people here. Knights are just tales from where I'm at and I was pretty excited to see you guys, knights in real life!", he followed, with excitement. (This Avatar seems childish sometimes. Will he be worthy of Excalibur? And the title Lord of Steem?)

"For real? Thank would be splendid, you can be our comrade! Haha!", said Sir Pheli while laughing.

Deveerei started drawing the dragons, one for each of the knights:

Sir Pheli's ride, a fire-breathing dragon!

Sir Silvernova's ride, an ice-breathing dragon!

"There, these 2 dragons will be your sweet ride to Middlesteem.", said Deveerei. "Treat them good they won't bite. They should be rain-proof, but be careful of seawater, they will get dissolved if they're submerged in it!"

"Wow, thanks mate. These dragons looks cool! And we needed the ride too. See you around!", Sir Silvernova thanked Deveerei for his gift.

"Amazing powers. It may be good and convenient to just create and bring things to reality! Cheers Deveerei! Nice meeting you. Here's something for you, as a thanks.", Sir Pheli also thanked Deveerei and gave him a gift in exchange of the dragon: A photo of him and Sir Silvernova in full-clad armor, gold for Sir Pheli, and silver for Sir Silvernova.

The two knights rode away with their dragon rides. Their the Twin Dragon Knights now!

Deveerei, Eru's Avatar got too excited with actual knights, he even got a photographed signed at the back. He met celebrities today! He just felt bad he had to lie about the Valar incident. He got too fixated on receiving a gift he forgot to draw his ride right away...

All he was able to create was this little owl enough to carry him across the Belgaer Sea. It was a good thing there were still some waterproof ink left or else he will be doomed when it rains while he's travelling over the seas (it was mentioned it always rains on that part of Middle Earth).

He was just glad he made new friends today!

To be continued...

*Shoutout to @phelimint and @silvernova, I've featured your characters here again. I hope you enjoy the Dragons (I found and) gifted to you by Eru's Avatar. Cheers and goodluck to your journey! Thanks for the signed photograph! *

For those who would like to join and choose the LOTR theme as well, but doesn't want to be Elves or Valars, you can check out this tree:

Click for full image.

Read the first call by Eru!: The Elves

Read the 2nd call: The Valars

Read the Eru's Introduction

Read: The Avatar Chapter 1 - First Steps

Read: The Avatar Chapter 2 - Valars Summoned

Source Images: Click-throughs - Credits to Owners

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