Chronicles of the Bloody Raven - NEMESIS: Episode 5 Part One & Atlantis Mint

Well this is looking like an ongoing saga to expand on the Episode 5 video and who knows, I can adapt it to publish one day as a neat coffee table book if there is enough interest, inspiration, and imagination. But first, Show and Tell! As I like to take this opportunity to show my Silver from The Atlantis Mint!

Now this was my second on-line purchase back in early 2016 just as my alter ego personality was coming into her own. I love the product from the Atlantis mint and plan a revisit in the future to stock up especially on the wee fractionals that I give away to budding little pirate guests at me home. And I’ll very likely pick up some of the newer products since then.

Atlantis Mint is a family owned and operated company based in Parsonsburg, MD . and the shipping tok no more than10 business days across the border.

Atlantis Mint’s Mission:

Atlantis Mint was founded with one sole goal in mind: To provide the highest quality customer service and bullion products directly to our customers. Simply put, we are your trusted source for precious metals. Purchase our products today to experience the Atlantis Mint difference.

They provide a good range of Payment options and will accommodate shipping internationally.

Email Atlantis Mint



Now me Atlantis Loot!

1 troy oz. 0.999 Silver Dragon hand poured Loaf Bar and it looks like the fine Welsh Dragon.

1 troy oz. 0.999 fine silver Tiger hand poured Loaf Bar

1 troy oz. 0.999 fine silver Flaming Skull hand poured Loaf Bar and If I ever get my shiny Black 4x4 Hearse Limousine I’d have this skull painted on the hood!

1 and 2 troy oz. 0.999 fine silver Generic hand poured Bars for your basic Pirate Stacking. Yes it's the adorable little Jolly Rogers on the bars that 'ooked me into this lot.

10 Gram 0.999 fine silver Skull and Crossbones loaf hand poured bars, these I save for the visiting little budding Pirates, just remind the wee ones that these are not candy. And with the wee ones they tend to put things in their mouths an that's why I also keep some gold foil chocolate coins around too.

Half troy oz. 0.999 fine silver Skull and Crossbones loaf hand poured bars. Similar to the 10 gm bars above but if yea are not into thy Metric system, tis old Fractional Pirate money is fer yea. As we all know if yea unable to make change whilst out at sea can very well cost a Man's life!

1 troy oz. 0.999 fine silver Eagle head hand poured Loaf Bar. Not exactly Piratey but always lovely to behold this bird of prey.

"...then one day when we anchored in a hidden bay when an Eagle perched on our ship's main mast. It was like a gift from God, with the crew starving we went ashore to find a bountiful of food, water, and building materials to repair the ship. The Eagle was a symbol of good luck and blessins and from then on we've always anchor in a harbor with eagles about." ~ Franklin, Quartermaster of The Gemini

1 troy oz. 0.999 fine silver Wolf's head hand poured Loaf Bar. Aye, I just love to run me hands through this treasure.

Poured Pirate Silver is FUN Silver.

Chronicles of the Bloody Raven - NEMESIS: Episode 5 Part One

Everyone was silent as the longboats skimmed towards the shore. The moon shone bright over the beach and glistening rolling surf. The tree line was distinguishable under the night light as varying shades of black and grey with false shadows that could conceal an awaiting rifle, sword or pike. As if by flight, the Raven’s jump from the lead boat carried her unnaturally far onto the firm wet sand, timed perfectly just at the low ebb of the wave. With her hand on the hilt of her sword she stepped twenty paces further up the beach as if to test any response. There was yet any.
As the longboats were pulled ashore most of the landing party securing their weapons and jumped into the receding surf, silent and without word gathered around the dark figure. Her gaze seemed fixed on an odd dark mound situated about fifty paces close to the treeline. It began with a rustle of shrubs. Some barely audible moans were heard.
Emerging from the shadows beneath the trees, rising one by one and then a score of undead tribesmen appeared and broke into a staggered run towards the landing party. Their blank stares focused an unearthly hunger only to ravage and kill. The Raven turned to the landing party, "Poor souls, Swords! No rifles or pistols!"
“No rifles? No Pistols?” exclaimed a younger seaman as he nervously clutched his rifle.
“Want to let our real enemy know we’re already here? Strike at the head or the neck! ” With that she drew her blade and waded into the oncoming mass of dead flesh. The younger crew hesitated but sallied with the more heartier souls as none have never encountered such an opponent, the tales of dark and terrifying creatures told in drinking taverns have lost their humor. Heads and limbs flew as corpses dropped on the open beach, their guttural moans silenced forever. When their blades have done their grizzly work the Raven encouraged their success, “Well done gentlemen. They were human one time. They are clearly experimenting with the Nemesis’ power in animating the undead. With this kind you must strike at the head or decapitate to stop them.”
“Damned sorcery, If I find any of my kin folk involved with these Shield bastards I’d give’m sach a trashin.” The Scotsman shook his head, “We should bury these poor souls.”
“No time for it” Flint interrupted, “our enemy is responsible for it, and we’ll get them to do the work!”
“That’s the spirit.” The Raven nodded to a movement high in the trees. A survivor! “Come! We won’t harm you, please come down.”
The boy shimmied down from the tree only to lose his grip falling into the Ethiopian’s large arms. The child was weak, tired and hungry for days hiding above in the lush foliage of the trees, unable to escape the undead that surrounded him. His trembling hands grasped the flask of water offered him almost choking at the first few mouthfuls of water. After a few bites of food the young soul broke into tears weeping over the murder of his tribe, friends, and family. It was these men that first came in a great ship to study their culture and offered their help until they learned of the village’s only means of protection, the Kommo-katunta relic. He explained in past conflicts the Village loses warriors in the initial battle, up until Kommo-katunta is called upon and the dead warriors are raised to attack the aggressors and making the remainder to flee the island. These explorers decided to take the relic against our wishes and killed any who objected. And now more ships come with more men in red and blue coats bringing terrible weapons.

Lord Perry's plan was simple. The Fury and San Cortezia warships assumed positions at the East entrance of straight while the Mist, Mina, and Fleur De Cote took positions on the narrower west entrance, meanwhile the private auxiliary ship Redoubt will simply stay in the Bay. From a distance there was no discernable reaction from their prey the Storm Crow. Except for the raising of her recognizable banner of the Blackbird and Japanese sword was their acknowledgement to their presence. "At least we know that is our prize but the core objective secure the Nemesis and to kill this Bloody Raven."

Lord Perry concluded the meeting with all the senior officers of his Strike force. Captains Whitmore, Jaagen, Ortega, Fournier ,Bellini, Colonel Greer, and The Duke of Bertrand. It was agreed that the Storm Crow would most likely try to escape at night and all ships will be on alert, otherwise a combined assault will commence at first light. Reports were satisfactory noting that a small Pirate force had already landed not far from where that Brigantine had anchored and the movements are currently monitored by Moore’s Wolf Pack and backed a squad from the Diablos corps. The ship itself can wait and won’t get far with a mere skeleton crew let alone engage in any combat. It was not just the artifact but the leadership and especially this feared ‘Bloody’ Raven is what his PayMaster’s wanted. Overwhelming superior fire power, an iron clad plan, fair weather. Everything is in place. Having secured the Nemesis ground forces under command of the Duke of Bertrand’s Decapitators and the Black Spyders will commence their search and destroy orders. No quarter given, recover the body of the Raven for examination and study.

“Who’s our new friend?” Charles and Miguel arrived into the makeshift camp and knelt before the warm small fire.
The Raven looked at the boy. “This is Tago, he’s now our guide and only survivor of this island’s people and he wants to join us. He has nothing left here.”
“Oh you’re getting soft Raven, picking up strays.” Charles grinned. “Well I got some news from the Crow. We got company. They spotted a total of five ships, two Warships on the east entrance and three more in the west entrance so the Crow is bottled in. Plus the Redoubt that’s anchored in the Waki harbor.”

"From the surviving notes of the Spectre and what our survivor tells us this is what we're up against."
The unit called the First Nightcrawlers. A crack company of George's finest trained hand selected soldiers. They appear as typical Redcoats but far from regular. They can only distinguished by a tiny Silver Battle axe patch on the lapel. Trained in unorthodox tactics and unhindered in their scruples regarding the conventional army warfare etiquette. Awarded, decorated, and many even titled. Deployed in Special cases where this unit's ability to fight their way through an entire battle field where their sole purpose is to kill the General or commanding staff. They were also nicknamed the "Decapitators".
Next was an organized blue company of combined arms the unknown 115th German Huntsmann and a Spanish 23rd Diablo Corps now collectively nicknamed the 23rd Black Spyders. Their reputation was more a paid professional mercenary force designed to track, pursue, harass and eliminate with extreme prejudice the enemy. Their success was evident in the quality of their weaponry with precision mortar support, and top quality rifles that fired further, more accurate, and with less powder.
“We only have forty five in this landing party and only a skeleton crew back at the Crow.” Said Miguel “We’re no match against all that.”
“The hit and run plan is no good.” Flint stood up, "We’ll have to adapt. I’ve been itchin for a fight "
Raven replied, "We only had fragments of letters with most of the documents destroyed by an Officer on the Spectre, I was uncertain of the nature of their deployment until now. But learn this, know the enemy. They have weaknesses like any other force. First will be their overconfidence and arrogance. I have sided with many rebellions over the centuries when justice demanded it. They always start small but finish big."
This was consistent with the unusual mix of warships of different countries. The Fury and it's sister ship Spectre where top line ships of war that rarely operated within the British Admiralty and more of an Independent under a convenient guise of a flag. They were not even listed in their Table of Operations. It appears that a Dutch Ship called The Mist and the Spanish San Cortezia now take the place of the ruined Spectre. An informant in Kellen overheard that the Spectre may be refitted, newly crewed, and on route.
The Mina's was an Italian Gun ship of unusual design with a lethal cluster of 18 pound cannons on the bow and stern for pursuit, aim low raking fire along the length slaughtering gun crews and passengers en masse or aim high to quickly shred sail and rigging crippling any fleeing ship in range.
The Fleur De Coté was French Assault ship that could take plenty of punishment at close quarters with it’s thick oak hull and shallow draft. She could deliver a volume of troops overwhelming the crippled target ship or land troops much closer to shore. These are not the product of the mere machinations of just one country or king. It was something far greater. What entity or organization could bring as these together? "Mina's design I've seen by Michelangelo before the plans disappeared over two hundred years ago when I lived as a Courtesans of Firenze. The French Fleur De Coté was likely designed by him as well since they complement each other. Cripple and capture.
And it seemed all at once, all the gathered senior crew realized what the Raven was telling them, officially there was conflict and war between these countries, but some unknown secret alliance that can control the major military powers of Europe. It was difficult to fathom all these countries being rivals for so long were able to work cooperatively in this manner. If there was a negotiated peace there will always be conditions based on centuries of mistrust. Flint was stone faced, focused at the task at hand seemingly unperturbed by the odds and numbers. He’s been there before. When chances were slim, he’d always found a way on top.

Flint excels as Captain; his skills in tactics and strategy are best taken at almost a visceral level when it comes to his passion intertwined with his goals. The Raven learned much from this formidable personality and to know when to let him take the lead. The quarter master Long John, a rational man that has a gift of reading the motives and intentions down to an empathic level without appearing soft or weak, a man that knows how to build loyalty regardless of a man's origins. Charles is more impulsive but a realist and calculating with different mindset altogether. He sees things from a different position. She understands that each of these men are born leaders, each one with a different tack and style. Individually each has his strengths and weaknesses, together they are formidable.
Long John stared at the Raven, "They're after us….no it’s you! You practically took down the Spectre so they are not playing games."
"They know we're after the Nemesis and they know it's worth having under their control." Long John feigned a cough as he we’re expecting more information. She continued, "And they may want me preferably alive but chances are more like scientific dissection awaits me."
Long John shook his head, "They're bloody crack troops! And Hunter ships. This is much bigger than we thought and not just the old under gunned Galleon sitting in the Waki harbour with a research expedition. The Storm Crow is now bottled up in the Straight by those five ships. We’re not getting out soon so I hope you have a plan."
Charles seemed recalcitrant but hopeful, “They already have the Nemesis. At least two companies we have to fight to get it. No problems if we can get some help with the warships.”
The Raven looked up into the clear sky pondering on the rising moon, “I assure you we do and have some help coming but it depends on the timing. They will be here by the Full Moon. Since we are outgunned and outmanned we will resort to guerilla and Ninjutsu tactics so we don’t need to win right away. Stay on the move and just wear them down. And our boy Tago here knows where the food and water are and he wants his share of justice.”

End of Part One - To be continued at Episode 5 part two

“One man with courage makes a majority.” ~Andrew Jackson

## The Back Stories: ##

Opening Video (Click on the Raven and Katana)

Opening Episode 1 Chronicles of the Bloody Raven

Episode 2 Coin Keeper: Dragon Bar

Episode 3 AgEnder: Ickabod’s Skull and Crossbones

Episode 4 Dr Masterson: Fog of War

Episode 5 Pirate Booty Bullion: Nemesis

Photo Credits:
Story pictures and Characters are from Starz Entertainment Series Black Sails
Beach at Sunrise from Pixabay
Ship Illustration from Pinterest
Clip art from GoGraph royalty free

“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”

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