What about a Steemsilvergold FAQ Master post? All group info in 1 post #434

I have been getting alot of questions lately about the group, how to join, lots of questions about Stax. I try to stay on the ball with answering them but im finding it hard to reply back to all the questions with the proper detail. I dont have the time and need to rush through them. I have been thinking and come up with the idea for a Steemsilvergold FAQ post. The post would contain everything about the SSG group. A small history, what its all about and links to posts to answer questions. I will need the help of a few other members, some that already run accounts for the group and others that step up and have ideas.

The idea of an FAQ post

This could be a master post that contains everything group related. It could start with a small history, go into what the group is all about and what is expected of members as a few changes have changed from the group was first set up. There will be a enrollment roadmap for easy viewing and post links to all the FAQ's. Questions off the top of my head would be like

  • what is steemsilvergold?
  • how do i join?
  • What is Stax?
  • What is silvergoldcomps
  • What is the SSG Discord server?
  • Contests
    Finish it off with 3-4 silver and gold newbie stacking questions like why to stack, how to stack, what to stack, when to stack and storing a stack.

The idea is to have a post ready so that when any member is asked a question about the group they can direct them to a post with everything they need to know. I should be a god send only be updated every 6 months are so. I know there are a few members that get asked alot of questions and it would be nice to answer back with a link to a post with all the group info they need. The link will be found on all membership updates and nomination posts, Stax and silvergoldcomps posts (after i ask) and any group member that wants to add the link to their post footer to help spread the word.

postlink meme.png

What we need to do

We need to have good posts to link to the FAQ questions. That would mean i will write a post about the group's discord server and how to join, @phelimint could maybe use an update post to write about what Stax is all about for complete newbies, @welshstacker could write a post explaining what silvergoldcomps is all about, @raybrockman could write a group contest's post blowing up all the giveaways and we would need a few other members to step up and write posts for silver stacking newbies. Phelimint has been writing some nice posts related these questions recently but it would be nice to have a mix of members answering the questions.
All of the posts needed will be used to answer all the questions in the FAQ so they will be seen by alot of people. I know i am asking alot as these posts take time to write and we are all busy but in the long run, it will save us time by being able to use the Steemsilvergold FAQ post link.

Anyways that's about all i can think of right now.

Some of my Recent Posts

*** #SteemSilverGold Membership and Voting List UPDATES***
------- Steemit crypto story and building a portfolio ------
** Stax is Exclusively for #steemsilvergold **
------ Rolling an inside out Birthday Spliff ------

Any questions, comment below are ask. If you enjoyed the post, please dont forget to upvote this and follow me @silverstackeruk :)

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