“Girls can enjoy football matches: Russia 2018 World Cup-Group G” | 「女孩子也能看懂的足球比賽:俄羅斯2018世界盃-G組」⚽🏟

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Today, I will introduce Group G to all of you. The 4 countries in group G include Belgium, Panama, Tunisia, England.


Eden Hazard

Thorgan Hazard

Yannick Carrasco

Belgium, has participated in the World Cup 13 times in history. The best rank of Belgium was fourth place in 1986. Belgium was the first European team advancing to group stage of 2018 World Cup. The coach is Roberto Martínez. The most famous player is Eden Hazard, an all-round midfield player who have great passing, shooting and dribbling technique. And I want to recommend a talented player, Thorgan Hazard, the brother of Eden Hazard, having the talent to be a world-class player. In addition, I choose Yannick Carrasco to be the most handsome player of Belgium national football team.

Most of the Belgium players play in England football club, they have many world-class players, and usually play 3-4-3. The chemistry between Eden Hazard and Kevin De Bruyne will be the important element for leading Belgium to success.

比利時在歷史上曾打進13次世界盃的決賽周,最佳成績是1986年獲得第四名。在2018世界盃資格賽中,比利時是第一隊獲得晉級資格的球隊。主教練是Roberto Martínez,隊內的頭號球星是Eden Hazard,一位全能的中場球員,擅長傳球、射門及盤扭。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Thorgan Hazard,是Eden Hazard的親弟弟,同樣擁有成為世界級球員的潛力。我額外挑選了比利時國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為Yannick Carrasco。
大部份的比利時球員都效力於英國的球會,在陣中擁有很多高質素的球場,而且經常採用攻擊力強的3前鋒4中場3後衛的戰術。如果Eden Hazard和Kevin De Bruyne可以產生默契的話,絕對有能力帶領比利時取得成功。

Román Torres

Abdiel Arroyo

Aníbal Godoy

Panama, participates in the World Cup first time in history. Panama defeated Costa Rica by 2-1 in the last match of the 2018 World Cup Qualification. The coach is Hernán Darío Gómez, The most famous player is Román Torres, an experienced defender in 32 years old. And I want to recommend a talented player, Abdiel Arroyo, may provide some variety in tatics. In addition, I choose Aníbal Godoy to be the most handsome player of Panama national football team.

Most of the Panama players play in American football club. Panama had 9 players older than 30 years old, they recorded many international caps, but they may be difficult to stop the offensive line of Belgium and England in the same group, especially when their playmakers Alberto Quintero injured in the friendly match.

2018世界盃,是巴拿馬在歷史上第一次打進世界盃的決賽周。巴拿馬在2018世界盃資格賽的最後一場賽事,以2:1戰勝哥斯達黎加,從而歷史性打進世界盃決賽周。主教練是Hernán Darío Gómez,隊內的頭號球星是Román Torres,一位年屆32歲的後防老大哥。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Abdiel Arroyo,能夠為球隊的戰術帶來一定的變化。我額外挑選了巴拿馬國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為Aníbal Godoy。
大部份的巴拿馬球員都效力於美洲的球會,要注意的是巴拿巴的陣容比較老邁,有9名球員的年紀超過30歲。雖然這些球員擁有豐富的國家隊上陣經驗,但要面對比利時與英格蘭強大的攻擊線,未免會力不從心。此外,陣中進攻球員Alberto Quintero在友誼賽中受傷,更令巴拿馬的人腳捉襟見肘。

Wahbi Khazri

Naïm Sliti

Ferjani Sassi

Tunisia, has participated in the World Cup 5 times in history. Tunisia never get a win in group stage since 1978 World Cup. The coach is Nabil Maâloul. The most famous player is Wahbi Khazri, a reliable midfielder who always run inside the opposite’s box. And I want to recommend a talented player, Naïm Sliti, a younger attacking midfielder can create goals. In addition, I choose Ferjani Sassi to be the most handsome player of Tunisia national football team.
Most of the Tunisia players play in France and Saudi Arabia football club, they played as a team and had great discipline. Although Tunsia does not have star players, they still have a chance to oppose Belgium and England.

突尼西亞在歷史上曾打進5次世界盃的決賽周,不過自從1978年開始,突尼西亞未能在小組賽中取得任何一場勝利。主教練是Nabil Maâloul,隊內的頭號球星是Wahbi Khazri,一位經常嘗試進入對方禁區內尋找得分機會的中場球員。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Naïm Sliti,一位能創造入球的進攻中場球員。我額外挑選了突尼西亞國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為Ferjani Sassi。

Harry Kane

Marcus Rashford

Jack Butland

England, has participated in the World Cup 15 times in history. England won the World Cup in 1966, when they had Geoff Hurst in the team. Geoff Hurst scored a hat-trick against Germany in the final, still the only man could score 3 goals in final until now. The coach is Gareth Southgate. The most famous player is Harry Kane, a young striker who have high efficiency in scoring. And I want to recommend a talented player, Marcus Rashford, has fast speed and great skills. In addition, I choose Jack Butland to be the most handsome player of England national football team.

All of the England players play in England football club, the medias always tout England having the best team in their history, but England national team always make fans disappointed. The teammates may be too young to win the world cup, and fans should be patient.

英格蘭在歷史上曾打進15次世界盃的決賽周,在1966年嬴得一次世界盃冠軍。當時陣中擁有Geoff Hurst,他在對陣西德隊的決賽中個人連入三球,以4:2擊敗西德隊。而Geoff Hurst在決賽射入三球的紀錄,至今仍無人能夠打破。這一屆的主教練是Gareth Southgate,隊內的頭號球星是Harry Kane,一位把握力非常強的年輕射手。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Marcus Rashford,擁有過人的速度與腳下技術。我額外挑選了英格蘭國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為Jack Butland。

Last few days, I introduced some basic information about group A, B, C, D, E, F of the Russia 2018 World Cup. If you are interested, you are welcome to visit this link :

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group A⚽🏟”

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group B⚽🏟”

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group C⚽🏟”

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group D⚽🏟”

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group E⚽🏟”

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group F⚽🏟”








I will introduce Group H tomorrow, hope you will enjoy my article!


The @blocktrades World Cup | My selections⚽⚽

In order to enjoy the competitions, I decided to join @blocktrades World Cup tournament, which is managed by @anomadsoul and @acidyo.

These are my picks for the group stage of the @blocktrades World Cup.
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The @blocktrades World Cup | My selections⚽⚽

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