Unproven Chapter Forty Eight "You. Bed. Now."

If you're loved by someone, you're never rejected, decide what to be and GO BE IT
-The Avett brothers


Recommend Reading Introduction to Unproven


Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three

Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six

Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two Chapter Twenty Three Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five Chapter Twenty Six Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight Chapter Twenty Nine Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty One Chapter Thirty Two Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Thirty Four Chapter Thirty Five Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Seven Chapter Thirty EightChapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Forty Chapter Forty One Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Forty Three Chapter Forty Four Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Forty Six Chapter Forty Seven

Chapter Forty Eight

Ary waited anxiously in Grayson’s car as he finished football practice. Anxiously because he’d texted her phone with a list of things he planned on doing to her when they got back to his house. She clamped her legs together tightly to keep from squirming.

She heard the sounds of laughter and loud voices and looked out the window as the players strode over the hill and onto the parking lot, slapping one another on the back as they made their way to their cars. She smiled as Grayson pulled his helmet off and shook out his sweaty hair. He was so damned sexy. His shoulder pads came next and he jogged around the car and opened his door, tossing his things in the back seat. He flashed her a grin as he slid into the seat. “Were you thinking about my texts while you waited?”

She punched him in the shoulder lightly, “Yes. Jerk.”

He leaned toward her still grinning cheekily and snuck his hand between her legs as he kissed her. She blushed knowing he would feel her heat. He broke the kiss but stayed an inch away. “You’re wet aren’t you?” He breathed.

“Soaked,” she whispered back.

He inhaled sharply and leaned back, his eyes sparking. “You. Bed. Now.” He threw the car in reverse and sped out of the parking lot.

This morning he had made a monumental mistake by jerking off for the first time in eons. He’d figured that since he’d had so much sex the night before and could count on more of the same today there wouldn't be any harm in it. He'd figured wrong. It definitely hadn't helped when he caved for some relief by pulling it in the bathroom before practice. He felt like he was thirteen again. He glanced at Ary and seriously considered pulling to the side of the road and taking her now. If it wasn't still daylight he would have.

When they were halfway there his phone beeped from a text and he frowned as he read it. “Shit,” he said under his breath.

“What is it?” She asked.

He glanced at her, his face dark. “My father. He wants to chat.”

She chewed her lip nervously. “About me?”

“Not sure.”

“You should take me home, come over later-”

Grayson’s head whipped around and he pinned her with a look. “Not a chance in hell! He can wait until after I’ve thoroughly fucked you.”

Her stomach flipped over, the intensity of his gaze doing crazy things to her nether regions. She wondered if her attraction to him, her insane desire would ever lessen. It scared her sometimes, how much she craved him sexually. It was bad enough that she was completely in love with him, making her emotionally invested to the nines. The physical thing was different. Darker in its intensity.

He flew up his driveway and around back, slamming the brakes and turning off the engine simultaneously. She’d barely opened her door and he was already outside of it grabbing her hand and hauling her against him, grinding his pelvis into her as he consumed her mouth. “Fuck, I’m going to explode.” He wrapped his arms under her bottom and picked her up, walking them through the backdoor and up the stairs. Once they reached his bed he fell on top of her, one hand gripping her ass while the other snaked under her shirt and fumbled with the clasp on her bra. When it didn’t immediately give way he nipped the tip of her earlobe and made a sound of frustration. She was surprised since he was usually so adept in that arena, but her surprise gave way to concern when she felt his hand trembling against her back.

“You’re shaking,” she whispered.

“I know, I need in you so bad,” He fumbled a second more, “Fuck it!”

She felt a snap as he yanked the clasp and broke it. She caught his hand as he reached for the button on her jeans and smiled gently as she used her other hand to undo the buttons and zippers for both of them. When she looked up to meet his eyes the smile froze on her face. The way he was looking at her…

“I lo- want you so bad,” he winced at what had almost slipped out, clenching his teeth. He'd never said it to her. He'd said it to others, but never to her. He'd chosen not to think about that, but right now the reason mocked him, the fact that in every other case it had been easy because it was bullshit, just a means to further his plans.

Ary reached up and stroked his face. “I love you too, Grayson, so much.”

His brow furrowed and he kept his teeth clenched as he nodded mutely before grabbing her waistband and yanking her pants down, taking her panties with it. He shed his own jeans and slid into her with a groan.

“Do you have any idea how good you feel?” He asked through gritted teeth.

“As good as you feel?”

“If that’s true, I don’t know how you make it five minutes without jumping on me.” His voice was strained as he held himself still within her.

She laughed and he jerked.

“Oh shit, do that again.”

“What? Laugh?”

“Yesss,” he hissed.

She obliged.

“Oh God, I can’t stay still anymore,” he warned just before he pulled out and slammed back in.

Her inner muscles clenched from the violent intrusion and she nearly climaxed right then. It only took three strokes before she sailed over the edge and he pulled out as she finished attempting to hold off his own explosion. But it was too late. He moaned in ecstasy as his cock convulsed, spewing ribbons on her belly, his ass clenching as spasms overtook it.

“Jesus,” Ary gasped, “I could come again just watching you.”

He was leaning over her on his elbows and his breath tickled her face as he let out a short, strained laugh which quickly turned into a groan as the last of his fluid squeezed out. He stayed in that position for several seconds breathing heavily. “I made a mess,” he stated.

She giggled, “I like your mess.”

“Really?” His gaze turned speculative. “Prove it.” He took her hand and guided it down, tugging one of her fingers and sliding it through his seed. He brought it up to her face. “Taste it,” he whispered.

She made a face as she eyed it. “I don’t know-”

“Please,” he interrupted, “for me. It will turn me on.”

She stared at his pleading eyes. How could she resist that? She put the tip of her finger between her lips and felt his cock stir where it rested on the inside of her thigh. It really did turn him on. Hmm, she thought. Keeping her eyes on his she sucked the finger all the way into her mouth and pulled it out slowly, then repeated the gesture smiling inwardly as she felt him lengthen and harden.

“That is so fucking hot,” he encouraged. “You are so fucking hot.” He grabbed both sides of her face and pressed his mouth on hers, sticking his tongue in where her finger had been. He broke the kiss abruptly and flipped her onto her stomach, straddling her hips. He dropped onto his elbows once more. “I want to try something new, will you let me?” He asked.



Ary felt a flutter of fear and anticipation move through her as he sat back and began gently massaging her bottom.

He continued lightly massaging with one hand as he wet the tip of his finger on the other. He carefully spread her cheeks and rubbed the moistened digit over the puckered hole causing her to jump.

“Gray?” She squeaked.

“Shh baby, it’s okay, just relax.”

Relax? Ary thought. Is he serious? Every muscle in her body tightened as his finger circled her There. A moment later he pushed it in a little and she gasped. “I don’t think-”

She heard him sigh and he stretched out on her back kissing her on the cheek before saying, “You trust me, don’t you?”

“Of course.”

“Then I need you to relax and let me try this. I’ll go really slow.”

She didn’t respond and he sighed again before kissing her neck then planting soft kisses all the way down her back. He put his fingers in a more familiar area and began working his way around her nub. Within minutes she was wet and ready for him.

“I want you in there,” she stated.

“I know you do,” he told her but made no move to oblige, inserting his fingers instead. She started bucking against his hand then froze as she felt his other hand slide up her rump. “Don’t concentrate on that,” he told her, “concentrate on this.” He stroked her clit.

Oh that feels good, she thought, okay I can do this. She nodded and this time when he pressed in the new spot she let him. And liked it. Tingly warmth flooded the area and she opened further for him.

“Good girl,” he praised as he pushed in deeper.

Noises began pushing through her lips as she was flooded with sensations through her whole lower region. She writhed against his hands, pushing down and up, wanting more of both. She could sense the wave coming and dove for it. Just before she crested, he slid the tip of his cock where his finger had been. She wailed as the orgasm shook her.

Grayson shoved himself in her tight little ass as she came from both ends, grinding against her. The pleasure was so intense that all thought was wiped from his mind, garbled sounds pouring out of his lips as her untrained muscles clenched and sucked him, both fighting and accepting the intrusion. When he erupted there was an explosion of light behind his eyes that nearly knocked him unconscious.

His brain came back in degrees and he eased out of her and lay on her back, wrapping his arms around her and clasping his hands together under her breasts. “Are you okay?” He whispered.

She nodded but she was trembling all over and wasn’t sure if that was true. The lower half of her body felt loose and watery; she would not be able to stand if she tried. Her orgasm had been so extreme it was nearly unbearable and she couldn’t tell exactly where it had come from. Until five minutes ago she’d had no idea that anyone apart from gay men ever did that, and for some reason she felt a bit shattered by the knowledge, yet another portion of innocence stripped away. Tears slid down her face and she choked back a sob. She didn’t want him to know how upset she was because she didn’t know how he could make it better.

“I love you Aryanne,” he whispered.

The tears and trembling ceased instantly and she turned her face slightly toward him, her lips parted in shock.

He kissed her wet cheek. “I hurt you, I’m sorry.”

She shook her head, “No,” she swallowed thickly.

“I’m going to run you a bath,” he told her.

She watched him hop off the bed and stride to the bathroom. I love you Aryanne. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly and a smile tugged on the corner of her mouth. Well she might not have known how he could make it better but apparently he did. Suddenly what they had done no longer seemed wrong or alien. She belonged to him. It had only taken three little words for her to transfer ownership of herself and there was nothing she would withhold from him now.

He came back into the room and she watched him approach, his incredible body moving with animal grace. He came to the edge of the bed and held out his arms. “Come here.”

She grinned and knee walked over to him, squealing as he threw her over his shoulder. He slapped her behind and she squeaked.

“I love your sweet little butt,” he told her as he massaged the cheek he’d smacked. “Just thinking about it makes me hard.”

“Everything makes you hard,” she retorted as he put her down in the tub.

He grinned as he lowered himself in next to her. “True, but your cute little ass does it for me tenfold.”

“Yes, I saw that.”

His smile faded slightly, “Did it hurt a lot?”

She bit her lip, “No, I was too busy coming to notice the pain. It’s sore now though, it feels abraded.”

He pulled her onto his lap. “Don’t worry, it won’t be an all the time thing. In general I prefer to fuck this,” he inserted a finger in her core. “I just like touching and squeezing this,” he pinched her butt for emphasis, “and watching it move, God I love that.”

“And I love you,” she said.

He smiled at her, his eyes crinkling in the corners. He looked so genuinely happy and content her heart swelled. Because of me, she thought with a thrill.


Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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