The Story of My Life so Far - Part 77 - Family life with our two daughters in Brest

This is the story of my life so far: 68 years and counting.
Prequel: A Brief History of my Family in France

The story starts here
Previous episode: Part 76

Family life with our two daughters in Brest

When Roseline and Betty arrived from Haiti in Brest, in June 1985, their bedroom was ready with two beds.

One of the first things we did was to buy them some clothes.

We also got them some toys. We tried to avoid electronic toys with batteries, and bought toys that would not be broken too soon.
One of the toys that I remember was the Fisher-Price rolling telephone, that had been designed more that 20 years ago, but was still very popular, at least in France.

Fisher-Price rolling telephone

As it was still June, we put the girls in school for the last month. They probably did not learn a lot, but they were able to socialize and speak with other children, and not only to us, their new parents.
I believe that they learn a song then that they sang from time to time for a long time, and that they still remember it 33 years later.

Un petit indien, un petit indien
Nagawika, Nagawika
Chantait gaiement sur le chemin
Nagawika, Nagawika

A little Indian, a little Indian
Nagawika, Nagawika
Was singing cheerfully on the trail
Nagawika, Nagawika

In three months, Betty had improved tremendously in French, and we were able to have a conversation with her without a problem.

During the summer, we went to the Abbey for several weeks. Roseline and Betty met my parents, Paul and Marie, and several of their cousins.
Over the years, they will spend many vacations at the Abbey with my parents and their cousins, and they still have fond memories of these sojourns.
When my father died in 1998, my brothers and sisters and me, we had to decide what we wanted to do with the Abbey that we had inherited. One possibility was to sell it and share the money. My daughters were violently opposed to this: "You cannot sell our childhood!".

Continue to Part 78

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