They Didnt See It Beneath Them Chapter 7 (Original Story)

Chapter 7: The Other Powerful Predator

The Dunkleosteus was swimming as fast as it could to increase the distance between itself and the other larger creature chasing it.

The Dunkleosteus was cunning, but not smarter than the other gargantuan predator. It was also quick, but not swifter and as agile than its newfound enemy. The only two things that the Dunkleosteus had that were better than its opponent's characteristics were its ability to withstand extreme amounts of water pressure due to its armor-plated skull and thick scales, and it's vacuum-suction bite. When the Dunkleosteus attacked, it could open its jaws so fast that it created a vacuum strong enough to pull in its enemies into its mouth for a crushing forceful chomp.

However, the titanic hunter in the dark had a bite force much more powerful than the Dunkleosteus's, as well as hundreds upon hundreds of rows of serrated teeth and extremely gigantic jaws.

The Dunkleosteus dove further downward to get into deeper waters, passing a medium sized Goblin Shark on the way below.

The farther down it went, the higher the water pressure increased. Its armor-plated head protected the brain and allowed it to live and swim at the deepest depths of the ocean. Without its armor, it would be crushed to death from the extremely high water pressure. Normal fish and other sea creatures would not be able to survive at these deep levels unless they had jellyfish-like bodies or some type of protective armor or adaptability to thrive in such harsh living conditions.

The massive predator that was chasing the Dunkleosteus could not swim any deeper than 9,000 feet. If the enormous hunter tried to swim any deeper, then it would not be able to breathe properly as the water pressure would crush its lungs with ease.

The Dunkleosteus, however, was swimming around 12,000 feet and deeper.
It was safe and protected from being eaten for the time being. The massive creature gave up chasing the Dunkleosteus, and headed back towards the direction of the shoreline.

Back on land, Trevor, Scott and Gary had already docked the boat and headed
home. Gary had immediately called his cousin Perry, telling her to come over to his house. When his cousin Perry came over, Gary showed her the video footage and Perry freaked out with hysterical excitement after seeing the Dunkleosteus on tape.

They discussed what they should do with the video footage and decided it was
best to contact a local news reporter to run the story. When Perry had left back to her house with her two water-proof cameras that Gary had borrowed from
her, Gary had forgotten to take the video footage out of those cameras, so
Perry took it with her not knowing she had the video evidence in her possession.

Gary went to sleep, and Scott and Trevor also headed home to rest for the
night. Perry arrived home and left her two cameras on the dining room table.
She went upstairs quietly to avoid waking up her family and headed straight to

The next morning, Perry woke up, said hello to her husband Brian, who was also waking up, kissed him, and went downstairs to start preparing breakfast. She noticed the cameras were gone from the table and began to look for them all over the house. Her oldest son, Clarence, twenty years old, had watched the video last night and took it over to a friend’s house to show it off to them.

Sooner or later, word got around to the entire city and eventually the video footage was leaked to the local news reporters. Gary, Scott and Trevor were eating lunch together at Trevor’s house with the television on, when a news reporter started to broadcast the video footage of them and their Dunkleosteus encounter.

The news reporter really sold the story about how it was a previously thought to be extinct predator fish from the era dating back to the dinosaur age and how rare of a prized catch it would be, how lucky and famous the first fisherman to catch it would be, how dangerous it was, and how beautifully terrifying it was.

The three of them stopped eating immediately and ran into the car and headed towards the dock. They didn’t know how the video ended up in the hands of the local news, but they knew that if the whole city watched the news, then the first place all the people would go, out of mere curiosity and interest, would be out to the ocean to search for Dunkleosteus themselves.

When they reached the docks, several hundreds of people with camera phones and tape recorders, and video recorders were all swarming around the areas. They were all trying to get a ride with someone on their boats, and some people had already brought their own boats to go searching for Dunkleosteus. News reporters and their camera crews were scattered around with security guards, a few local policemen and policewomen, as well as many local fishermen and fisherwomen.

Trevor, Gary, and Scott didn’t even bother to talk to the people who recognized them as the three men in the video footage on the news, because they wanted to hop in their boat quickly, and set out to catch up with the other groups of ships and boats that were already hunting for Dunkleosteus.

They climbed in their boat after squeezing past all the crowds of people and took off at full speed. After ten minutes of driving, they reached a gigantic crowd of fifty-seven boats. They heard people screaming and saw that some people were in the water splashing frantically and crazily. There was blood floating on top of the surface around them and one of the local fisherman’s hauling boat, that was thirty-two feet long, was split in half and already sinking into the ocean. All of the sunken ship’s passengers, the five men and women with lifejackets on, were swimming as fast as they could to the other nearby ships and boats. Luckily, nobody was seriously injured. Naval Coastguard was already there with two police boats in a formation, and they were calling in for backup. Trevor, Gary and Scott were in complete shock. They assumed that the Dunkleosteus had attacked, but it wasn’t Dunkleosteus at all. No one had seen what had attacked the hauling boat. It happened so fast and abruptly and the attack came from directly below the boat.

Beneath all the boats and floating survivors was a very hungry, massively bodied, 68-foot long, 88-ton Megalodon Shark.

Thank you for reading Chapter 7 in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it so far.


Written By Verbal D & Co-Inspired By My Lil’ Bro Jacob

All Gifs Used From

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My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!

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