Story: Matthew And The Dragons (Part V)




Previous Chapters:


Part V

*Clank! *

Aria was stunned by the sneak attack but quickly recovered after Boris blocked it with his axe. She then retreats as not to get in Boris' way.

Looking at the fight, she saw that his attacker is a person covered in grey colored cloak—his or her gender unidentifiable. The attacker tried to run away seeing his or her sneak attack failed but Boris is incessant. The attacker attack but Boris manages to parry the attack, and the counter with a kick!

The attacker was flung away and grunt after hitting the ground. The voice sounded female, the attacker is a woman!

After hitting the ground, the attacker flee inside the mist, and disappeared. Boris scan his surroundings, and only let his axe down after making sure that no one is lurking around. He then returned to the group.

"You're too careless," he chastised Aria.

Being scolded, Aria wanted to reason but knows that she's on the wrong. As a huntress being careless inside a dangerous location like the Forest of Gloom is suicidal. Therefore, she could only apologized.

"...sorry. I'll be more careful next time," she said.

Boris merely nod and then went to the back.

Seeing the tense situation was over, Matthew and Amy, let out a sigh of relief. The group then continue forward but are more careful this time.

Soon, the night arrived and the group pitched camp. They built two makeshift tent, one for the girls and the other gor the guys.

After eating dinner, Matthew volunteered to be the look out and will be replaced by Boris several hours later.

The next day...

"Silver-winged dahlias liked to grow in places near the body of water," Amy explained.

"The nearest body of water from our current location is a small lake called the Misty lake about 20 kilometer from here," she added.

After deciding on the location, the group resume their journey. On the way they encountered several monsters and savage beast. Fortunately, Aria and Boris made quick works of them. The mysterious attacker did not appear the entire journey but Aria did not let her guard down like before. Soon they arrived at their destination.



"How beautiful!" Amy exclaimed.

The place was indeed beautiful. The lake's water are crystal clear and sparkles in the sun. Part of it covered in mist, giving it a mysterious vibe.

Looking around, the group find some dahlias but Amy forbid anyone from plucking them. She explained that they're just ordinary dahlias, and will only become silver-winged dahlias after bathing in the moon's light. Only then can these dahlias becomes magical herbs.

Hearing this, the group decided to rest and wait.

Finally, night arrived...

To be continued...




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