10 People You Met in Book Fair #Streetphotography

From Millionaire to Socialite

There were many people you could meet in book fair like Big Bad Wolf in BSD, Tangerang. They had many motives.


They came with interesting make-up, for example an open evening gown. No books they bought.

Friends Connect

They did not shop but were busy photographing some books and sending them to WA group. _Hello. There are Game of Thrones series here. Who did look for them yesterday? _

Family Envoy

They bought many books but not for themselves. They were some orders of friends, family, neighbors, lawyer, governor, president, and others.


It was an interesting type. I saw several man who bought many books, paid for them, then handed them to the book donation table for the community.


They were picky. Walk around looking for a specific book. In his house they have five bookshelves of good books. They maybe read only five titles.


They were few because foreign language bookstores are limited in this country.


They went around collecting many books, then searched for comfortable seats for sitting and read them. No books they bought.

Empty Pocket

They roam for 5 hours and only buy one of the cheapest books.


It s unique type. They collected a basket of self-help books, world war history, startup business, Jojo Moyes novel, Metallica biography. But they brought home only a Disney coloring book for their niece.

Which type are you?

*Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!*

Settings1/125 sec. f/2.2 4.15mm ISO 32
CameraApple iPhone 6
LocationJakarta, Indonesia


10 Orang yang Kau Jumpai di Pasar Buku

Ada banyak orang yang kau jumpai di pasar buku seperti Big Bad Wolf di BSD, Tangerang. Mereka punya banyak motif. Ini beberapa di antaranya:


Mereka datang dengan dandanan menarik, misalkan gaun malam yang terbuka. Apa tidak kedinginan, ya? Tak ada buku yang mereka beli.

Penyambung Mata Teman

Mereka tidak belanja tapi sibuk memotret beberapa buku lalu mengirimnya ke grup WA. Ada seri Game of Thrones nih. Siapa tadi yang car?

Utusan Keluarga

Mereka belanja buku berkardus-kardus tapi bukan untuk mereka sendiri. Itu pesanan kawan, keluarga, tetangga, Pak RT, dan entah siapa lagi.


Ini tipe yang menarik. Saya beberapa kali melihat bapak-bapak yang beli banyak buku, membayarnya, lalu menyerahkannya ke meja donasi buku untuk masyarakat.


Mereka pemilih. Berkeliling hanya mencari buku tertentu. Di rumahnya mungkin sudah ada lima rak buku. Yang dibaca mungkin baru lima judul.


Ini tipe yang sedikit ada karena toko buku berbahasa asing jumlahnya terbatas di negeri ini.

Tukang Baca

Mereka berkeliling mengumpulkan banyak buku, lalu mencari tempat duduk yang nyaman dan membacanya. Tak ada buku yang mereka beli.

Kantong Kempis

Mereka berkeliaran selama 5 jam dan hanya membeli satu buku termurah.

Pencari Jati Diri

Ini unik. Mereka mengumpulkan sekeranjang buku self-help, sejarah perang dunia, bisnis startup, novel Jojo Moyes, biografi Metallica. Yang mereka bawa pulang cuma buku mewarnai Disney untuk keponakan mereka.

Anda jenis yang mana?

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