I Believe I'll be There
This is maybe title of Nyoman Nuarta sculpture in central part of Indonesia National Museum yard. But, the Government of Jakarta Province calls it Statue of Whirl:1
The third is Statue of Whirl at National Museum. The statue was inaugurated by Vice President Boediono on 19 October 2014, and was given the name "Ku Yakin Sampai di Sana" (I Believe I'll be There). The meaning is that even though there is huge obstacles, they can not prevent us to achieve maximum results if we did itu in sincere intentions, full of spirit, and unity.
I do not know which one is true name. There was a stone near the statue that read "Ku Yakin Sampai di Sana". Is that the title? There was no placard for the statue.
I Nyoman Nuarta was an Indonesian sculptor and pioneer of New Art Movement in the 1970s. He was born in Bali, 14 November 1951 and finished fine art program at Bandung Institute of Technology. His works spread everywhere.
But, one of his statues has been destroyed:2
Working professionally since the 1970s, a few years later Nyoman Nuarta's works became the target of a group of people who claimed their actions in the name of religion.
The group demolished Three Mojang statue in Perumahan Harapan Indah Bekasi in September 2010 for allegedly carrying Trinity idea. The statue depicting three mojang Priangan (women from West Java) who wore kemben and has been there since 2007.
Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Category | Architecturalphotography |
Settings | 1/30 sec. f/2.2 4.15mm ISO 125 |
Camera | Apple iPhone 6 |
Lens | Internal |
Location | Jakarta, Indonesia |
Ku Yakin Sampai di Sana
Ini judul patung karya Nyoman Nuarta yang terletak di bagian tengah halaman Museum Nasional. Tapi, Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jalarta menyebutnya sebagai Patung Pusaran:3
Yang ketiga adalah Patung Pusaran di Museum Nasional. Patung ini diresmikan oleh Wakil Presiden Boediono tanggal 19 Oktober 2014, dan diberi nama "Kuyakin Sampai Di sana". Patung ini memiliki arti bahwa sebesar apapun halangan dan rintangan yang menghadang apabila diperjuangkan dengan niat ikhlas, penuh semangat, dan menjunjung tinggi persatuan akan mencapai hasil yang maksimal.
Tak tahu mana yang benar. Ada sebuah batu di dekat patung itu yang bertulisan "Ku Yakin Sampai Di Sana". Apakah itu namanya? Tak ada plakat keterangan mengenai patung itu.
I Nyoman Nuarta adalah pematung Indonesia sekaligus pelopor Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru pada 1970-an. Dia lahir di Bali, 14 November 1951 dan kuliah seni rupa di Institut Teknologi Bandung. Karyanya sudah tersebar di mana-mana.
Tapi, patungnya juga pernah dirusak:4
Berkarya secara profesional sejak 1970-an, baru beberapa tahun belakangan karya-karya patung Nyoman Nuarta jadi sasaran ketidaksukaan kelompok yang mengatasnamakan agama.
Tiga Mojang di Perumahan Harapan Indah Bekasi didemo dan dibongkar pada September 2010 karena dituduh mengusung Trinitas. Padahal patung yang menggambarkan tiga mojang Priangan mengenakan kemben itu sudah berdiri tiga tahun dan sebelumnya aman-aman saja.
Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Category | Architecturalphotography |
Settings | 1/800 sec. f/2.2 4.15mm ISO 32 |
Camera | Apple iPhone 6 |
Lens | Internal |
Location | Jakarta, Indonesia |
1. Pemprov DKI Jakarta, 4 April 2016, di Facebook
2. CNN Indonesia, "Identitas Indonesia Kental di Karya Nyoman Nuarta
Silvia Galikano", (06/06/2016 08:00 WIB)
3. Pemprov DKI Jakarta, op.cit.
4. CNN Indonesia, op.cit.
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