Discipline comes down to control over your own emotions and actions. You need to learn to stop being a slave to the way you feel. We don’t want to work sometimes because it doesn’t feel nice. And so we do it slowly and our mind fights us every step of the way.

The disciplined individual however can simply tell themselves that it doesn’t matter whether they like it: it has to be done and that is that. They choose one goal, one objective and they shut out all other distracting thoughts and impulses.

This is powerful stuff because it allows you to gain laser focus over what you are doing and to complete any task. At the same time though, it also creates congruence in everything you say and do. People will notice that you aren’t easily upset by things people
say, desperate to please them, or torn about what to do: you are
decisive, disciplined and immune to life’s concerns.

Watch my video below

So often we try to please everyone because we want to be liked and we end up making weak decisions that end up upsetting everyone. Often we let our emotions lead us in our conversations and disputes which causes us to react badly in conversation. And so often we curl up in a ball and don’t do the things that need to be done, which only causes our life to become more difficult.

The disciplined person rises above this and they are in complete control over their actions and reactions.

How do you gain discipline?

Discipline is the conscious choice to focus on one thing and to shut out distractions.
Distraction is procrastination and procrastination is distraction.

Like everything practice and training is how we can accomplish self discipline. Controlling our focus and ultimately our thoughts and emotions by sticking by what we choose to at first.


  1. When someone is talking to you in a conversation, focus deeply on what they’re saying.

  2. When you are meant to be working but you’re interested in what is happening on the other side of the room, it is your job to ignore that urge to look up.

  3. When you are trying to exercise but you feel tired, you ignore the feeling and power on through anyway.

  4. Take a cold shower. Standing in a cold shower takes a huge amount of willpower and discipline and this is something your body and mind will fight you on every step of the way. But if you can force yourself into that cold water anyway, you will be training and harnessing your willpower. And actually, cold showers are very good for us seeing as they help us to produce more testosterone, they increase blood circulation and they train our immune systems.

  5. Make your bed. This is a great habit to get into: if you can successfully motivate yourself to make your bed every morning, even when you’re stressed, even when you’re in a hurry, then this will be great training to get yourself to do other things that you need to.

Feelings and Emotions

Become aware that your feelings don’t matter. As long as you’re not hurting yourself, it doesn’t matter if you’re a little hungry, a little bored, a little cold, a little tired. It doesn’t matter if you feel you deserve a treat. Being an adult is all about resisting that urge and on focusing on the things that you need to focus on in order to accomplish your goals.

Everything is patterns, habits, and behaviors. So each time you complete a discipline tasks such as these, you are strengthening them to become stronger. The urges will become weaker and more seldom as time goes on.

Think of it all as training to become the best person you can be. Why do soldiers in the army have such strong discipline? They train each and every day, no excuses ever.

The patterns you develop will keep you on track to complete and accomplish all the goals you need to. This is what causes most people to give up or fail in life because they lose the focus or willpower. Create that and you will achieve everything you want in your life.


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