Tarot Friday#8 – figuring out your personal card and "The Chariot"

Today I'd like to introduce my own personal Tarot card and the formula to figure out yours! In a series of visits to the temple of the secrets we accompanied a new soul which came into our world for the big adventure of a human life, commonly known as the "journey of the fool". Last week we saw, how our young character fell in love and today we imagine, how this young couple ventures out into the big wide world!


Lets imagine, that they get a car for this and we have the subject of this weeks card, "VII - The Chariot". It represents activity, a sense of adventure and a departure full of confidence.


Most people, no matter if they believe in it or not, know their Sign in a Horoscope.
Supposedly it gives an indication of someones personality...

A similar system exists with the major Arcana of the TAROT cards!


To find out your Personal TAROT Card, just add day, month and year of your date of Birth:

dd + mm + jjjj = xxxx.

Now add the four digits of the resulting number:

x + x + x + x = nn

If the resulting number is greater than 22 please add n + n again.
Any result equal to or smaller than 22 is your personal number with 22 representing 0

My personal card is this "Chariot" and particularly when I was younger, it was hard for me to "sit sill". I'm looking back at moving almost 30 times and still enjoy buzzing around on my motorcycle. The theme of the card can also be seen as activity of the mind...

What is your card?

If you are interested in the aspects of divination, please make sure to
visit @mystikmoongypsy and @tarotbyfergus

Tarot Panorama-Klein.jpg

Temple of the secrets, total size of artwork is 15ft by 45ft, unfinished


If you'd like to take a look at previous cards, you can use the following links:

"0- The Fool"

"I - The Magician"

"II - The High Priestess"

"III - The Empress"

"IV - The Emperor"

"V - The High Priest"

"VI - The Lovers"

View all my pictures I have here on steemit!
Viewer discretion advised, nsfw pictures visible without warning!

All photos/scans by #ReinhardSchmid of my own artwork. The original cards are roughly
20"x40" and painted on glass in "Hinterglas" technique as described here


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