How Steemit Makes Blogging Easy | 3 Issues New Bloggers Face

More people are aspiring to become successful bloggers and earn an income in 2018. With easy access to the internet all over the world blogging is an attractive proposition for anyone who would like to earn a side income or make a full time living.

However, blogging comes with many disadvantages. In this post I highlight 3 main issues that every new blogger faces and how Steemit makes it so easy to blog for anyone who may be interested.


The main issue that new bloggers face is that they feel isolated. Starting a blog on your own can be very lonesome. The first year is especially difficult because there is little or no traffic to a new blog. The majority of visitors who land on a new blog realize that they have arrived at a newbie blog and do not take it seriously.

For a newbie, blogging can be an entirely different experience. Agreed that a new Steemit blogger also gets fewer vistors than those who are experienced. But if you have a good title for your post and an attractive image that stands out you are bound to get clicks. The reason being that all new posts get the same chance when they are published and start appearing in the new feed.

In a previous post, I wrote about using tags judiciously so that your post can get noticed. It is better to be big fish in a small water body than a small fish in a large ocean. What I mean is that you should use tags which are not the top tags being used on Steemit.

To do this, you can sort tags available on by clicking on "view all tags"at the bottom of the list of tags on the left of the feeds. Choose one or more relevant tags which will not have more than a few thousand posts. By using these less popular tags your post will have a higher chance of being noticed.


The second major issue that new bloggers face is that they are low on financial resources. You need money to make money when you are a new blogger. This problem is pretty much sorted out on Steemit because you get paid for your posts right from day one.

It is true that SBD earned by new blogs is less but it is better than no money at all. Besides, if your content is good there are high chances that your post may be selected by a curation service like Curie and get a big upvote.

There are quite a few Steemit bloggers who are earning a full time income from their blogs on Steemit - a platform that is less than 2 years old. Compare that with old world bloggers who take years to earn an income enough to call themselves full time bloggers.


The third issue that bogs down bloggers is that they are unable to build the discipline that is required to make their blogs successful. Daily blogging is an exception and a majority of bloggers with their own domains on the internet post once a week or less.

Posting regularly is more a norm than an exception on Steemit. This is made easier due to several smaller communities which every Steemit user can be a part of, after meeting certain criteria laid out by the community leaders. By being active in the communities you feel encouraged to post regularly since you get people who are interested in your content, and upvote and comment on it each time you publish a post.

Some of the best bloggers groups on Steemit are @thealliance, @thesteemengine and @curator. If you are not a member yet, I highly recommend that you apply for membership to these groups while they are letting people in after a due application procedure.

So you clearly see how Steemit solves three of the biggest problems that bloggers face. In fact Steemit makes it easy for a new blogger to succeed on the platform.

(¯`•._ _.•´¯)

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Image sources: Pixabay, Giphy

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