Keep Your MIND OFF The Negative

There is so much negativity all around us that it is impossible not to feel negative ourselves. Whether it is the news media, TV or newspapers all of them compete with each other in carrying the latest negative news and gossip. After all negativity sells, much more than anything positive.

It is perhaps because people are always afraid that negative things would happen to them and keep a lookout for all the negative events around them just to make sure that something as negative does not happen to them.


So how can you get negative thoughts off of your mind?

After all, it harms you more than anything else. Most health and mental problems can be linked to the stress that is caused by negative thoughts.


The first and most natural way is to meditate and get that negativity out. It is part of the meditative process in which you breathe in deeply and then breathe out, imagining your negativity going out with your exhalation. If you're not familiar with mediation start practicing it now as it is the best way to prevent negativity and is also a proven cure for stress.

When I started meditation I initially found it a bit difficult. Then I found out about guided meditation which helped me learn the practice slowly but steadily. Now I have made it a regular habit and I can affirm the fact that it prevents stress from becoming a problem in your life. Here's a tip - you can find good guided meditation videos and audios if you look for them on the internet.


No news is good news

Another way of staying away from negativity is to stop reading the news or watching negative programs and serials. Seriously, you will be much happier not knowing about those murders and watching violent crime being committed on the most popular serials - that seem to have caught the fancy of the general public, for whom TV is an addiction.

As far as the news goes you can always download an app on your smartphone that gives you the latest news in brief. If indeed there is something important that you need to know about a bit more you could always use Google and find out all about it.


Health and fitness

Improve your health and your fitness levels by playing a sport. You will be surprised how positive you will feel after a strenuous game or even a workout. In my opinion, a game is more interesting than a mere workout. And I don't mean video games though they are also a rage today - I am referring to outdoor games that will also make you breathe in some fresh air too.


Don't suppress them

When you do get negative thoughts you don't have to be suppress them because then they will return at some time or the other. Instead, teach yourself to observe them calmly as though you are someone else looking inside your mind. Then gently move the thought away as if you're moving a physical thing away from you. I know it sounds a bit weird but once you start practicing it you will be able to do this without any effort in a few weeks.


Write it down

Another excellent way to clear negativity is to write it down. At first when I read about writing it, I was quite skeptical. Then I decided to try it out after sitting over it for months. I wrote all my negative thoughts down and after about thirty or forty minutes I felt as though I had offloaded all my negativity. It was a powerful exercise and I keep doing it all the time now.

Follow these tips and stay away from negativity, and feel the difference!

(¯`•._ _.•´¯)

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Image sources: Pixabay, Giphy, Canva

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