👉👉Featured Member:👈👈 🐼@bearone❶


I know you guys are seeing stars. Maybe it's confusing and you're just a dizzy mess! Or maybe, you need a few things explained to you. @bearone has been with us for quite some time. She took a short break but our 'Care Bear' just loved us too much and couldn't stay away for very long. Besides being an upstanding member of #thealliance, she is also the one of the founders and an active member in a few other communities, namely, #steemph and #teamaustralia. She is also involved with many others and you will often see her name attached to footer credits.

Who is @bearone?

Arly is a very kind person and @enginewitty gave her the nickname 'Care Bear' shortly after meeting her. She will give you the shirt off of her back if you let her. Sometimes, she can be a bit shy, but once you get her talking, you'll love her like we do. She currently resides in NSW (New South Wales) in the land down under. But, if you haven't been seeing her as much lately, that's because she is moving! Yes, she found a house! 3 days out until move day from the time of this post. Hopefully, she has set aside a small estuary for her and a little crystal palace to focus some of that energy she's going to need.

The Footers

You are probably familiar with her name already. Multiple accounts and groups are honored by her nifty artwork and design concepts. From @sndbox to @steemusa and @steemsilvergold and even our family, #thealliance. What's that? You didn't know? Those stars you are seeing everywhere, she made the logos. YUP! Yes, @enginewitty is using them to make personalized banners and such from time to time but the credit for those badass ninja stars we have as our logo goes to her. So next time you see one, maybe it'll remind you to stop in and see what she's up to :)
What ya Listenin' To?Calm Before the Storm
Maxwell & WilliamsTaking a Breather

We Love You @bearone!!

We know you've been crazy busy @bearone and we hope that the rest of your transition goes swimmingly. Your posts are top-notch sweets, and the engagement and quality you bring to Steemit is worthy of the Hall of Fame. We'll have to make one lol! We appreciate all of your efforts and support you have shown and continue to show your fellow family members here in #thealliance. You are a valued member of our secret mafia - er I mean - um - organization bwahahahahaha! We Love You @bearone!

#thealliance @bearone banner.png

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