Somewhere in Europe #3: Algarve, Portugal



A place in Europe that has a special place in my heart: the Algarve in south Portugal. I have been there many winters with my parents when I was younger, when my mom and dad were fed up with the Dutch weather and needed some sun.

I always had very fun memories of walking along the cliffs near the beaches and seeing the water spray from bursting into the rocks. So when the opportunity came along for me to return to the Algarve for a few weeks, I was pretty excited!



My hotel was near Albufeira so the first couple of days I was hanging around the hotel and walking to Albufeira (and back) over the cliffs. The city is very touristy and almost build ON the beach.



It isn't a super special city, but fine as a place to have dinner after a long day. The city is built on a hill and with the white houses, the view is very nice. Walking around can be tiring if you have been walking all day already.




Cliffs & beaches

I didn't come to see the cities of the Algarve, of course. I came for the cliffs!! The weather was perfect, not too hot, and so I walked the cliffs a few times. There was hardly anyone around, so it was just me and the sea!



Not every bit of this area is just as walkable. A few times I got myself into trouble and ended up having to crawl down a rock almost on all fours ;) I don't have much more to tell you about this apart from the fact that it is gorgeous and I could sit on a cliff for hours just enjoying the view, wind and sea.










Hopping on a rented scooter

After a few days, it was time to rent a scooter and explore more of the wider Algarve area. I didn't get very far the first day. Near the below beach I was unable to start my scooter again and had to wait for a few hours before the rental company was able to come pick me up. Only to start the scooter straight away after they arrived... Something that always happens to me :)

Not a bad view to be stuck with

After I decided to RTFM I told myself that everything was under control and it wouldn't happen to me again. It was safer not to go too far and my first serious trip was to Querenca, which is some 35km north-east of Albufeira. They say that this town has the most beautiful town square in the Algarve. I don't agree with that completely, but it is pretty nice with the white church as the centrepiece in the mountain town.
Church in Querenca



I managed to start the engine again and told myself I passed the test and was ready for the longer distances. The next day I headed to Portimao to get on a boat to Silves. Silves is the former capital of Algarve with an impressive Moorish castle dominating the town panorama.

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It was a lot of fun taking the boat to Silves. We followed the Arade river which was a very important way of transportation in the past. We saw a lot of birds like flamingos on our way to Silves. The town itself took a lot of climbing to walk through since it is situated on a hill. The small white houses are lovely and somehow it was impossible to get lost (I tried!). I ended up in the "harbour" every time!






Next adventure? Fóia! The highest mountain in Algarve where you are supposed to be able to see the sea on a clear day.

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I didn't see the ocean and it was pretty cold to get here on a scooter. But it was worth it! All the communications stuff on the summit was ugly, but if you looked the other way the view was amazing. But some people might have been pretty bored here looking at the amount of created rock stacks.





Cave discovery by boat

Last but not least, I treated myself to a cave boat adventure. The Algarve cliffs are famous for the caves that are everywhere. And some companies offer to bring you inside them by boat. You can jump on a cave tour in Benagil for instance, to visit one of the most famous caves in the world. You'd better not be claustrophobic though because it can be pretty scary once the captain sails his boat inside a dark cave...






You can also join a cave tour from the Marina in Albufeira and combine it with a dolphin spotting boat tour. We didn't see any dolphins though, so I preferred the Benagil one.

I went a little overboard with the photos in this post, but there is just so much to see in the Algarve and not that much to tell. If you have the chance, pay the area a visit and bring your walking shoes and camera. Algarve will not disappoint!!


Also in this series:

My Ireland series:

My California series:


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