Traveling the World #58 (Europe Series) Oktoberfest Beer Festival by Day - Munich @ Germany 🇩🇪 (3) - 向世界出發 #58 (歐洲系列) - 白天在慕尼黑啤酒節 @ 慕尼黑, 德國 🇩🇪 (3)

Hi Steemians,

Today I'll be taking you around to see what the Oktoberfest at Munich is like during the day. As mentioned in my previous post, the Oktoberfest is like the Sydney Royal Easter Show. It's is held at. This year, the worlds most famous beer festival Oktoberfest at Munich started on 16th of September and is scheduled to end on 4th of October. It is held at at Thereisienwiese in Munich and can be easily accessed by public transport or on foot from Munich’s city centre.

今天我會帶你們看慕尼黑啤酒節在早上去是怎樣的。我之前介紹過,慕尼黑啤酒節給我的感覺就是跟澳洲悉尼的龍展會一模一樣但多了啤酒這部分。今年全球最大的啤酒節,慕尼黑啤酒節是9月16號開始而會在10月4號結束。 啤酒節是在慕尼黑 Thereisienwiese 舉行而可以用不同公共交通或者在慕尼黑市中心走路去到場地也可以的。



As mentioned in my previous posts on the Oktoberfest, there were lots of rides for the young and old, local food, games, animals and many beer tents to visit. If you are interested in having a beer or some food in a beer tent, you are always welcome to go in and see if there are any space available but it is recommended that you pre-book your tables prior to avoid any disappointments. If you want to see my experience inside a beer tent, you can read them Here - Part 1 & Part 2.

啤酒節裏有很多不同的遊戲給不同年紀玩的,有很多當地的食物吃,看動物和也可以進到不同啤酒帳篷裡看看。如果你想在啤酒帳篷裡喝點啤酒和吃東西,你可以先問服務業有沒有位置或者最好就是在網上預早訂位比較好一點。如果你想看看在啤酒帳篷的情況,你可以到這裡 - Part 1Part 2 看看我跟朋友在其中一個啤酒帳篷的分享。

The day we decided to check out the festival during the day, the weather was pretty gloomy but that didn’t’ stop that crowd from coming in. People were pouring in throughout the day and by the afternoon, the show ground was full of visitors. Right at the entrance there were already police set up.


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There are alot of different rides and games for everyone


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Some of the food stands on site. We also ordered some pork knuckle burgers which was delicious

還有不同的食物攤檔。我們買了一些豬手包吃- 非常好味!

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We also found the beer tent we went to the night before. We did go inside to have a look and people seemed pretty calm compared to what we experienced.

我們還看見我們昨晚的啤酒帳篷。我進去看看裡面的情況,跟我們昨晚的氣氛對比較安靜。 我想應該是太早的關係吧。

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Previously I have shown you the map of the larger tents, below are the smaller tents on the grounds providing a variety of food and drinks but many of them have no live bands or seatings



Tomorrow will be the last of this series on the Oktoberfest where I will take you to some of the tents and more around the grounds during the day.


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Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.

謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories. 每張相片都是我們自己拍的 📷

Below are some of my previous posts:

Oktoberfest @ Munich, Germany Part 2

Oktoberfest @ Munich, Germany Part 1

Sydney Taiwan Festival 2017

Google SEO Challenge #7

Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival Part 2 @ Harbin, China

Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival Part 1 @ Harbin, China

Sun Sculpture on the Sun Island Part 2 @ Harbin, China

Snow Sculpture on the Sun Island Part 1 @ Harbin, China

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