Travel Pro Tip #27: How to Live Travel Pro! Inspired by @jedau. Part One, Get Your Money Straight!

Hey there my Steemit friends! Recently in a conversation with my new best Steemit buddy @jedau, he asked me how do I afford to Travel? Well, there is no simple answer to that. Quite frankly I don't travel like 99% of everyone else. I don't look at it like vacationing at all. I don't really even look at it like traveling. I look at it like living life strategically to get the most out of what life and the world has to offer!

That last statement right there is a matter of opinion. For the past dozen years or so "getting the most out of life and what the world has to offer" has been about having time to do what I want. Not doing what someone else wants me to do. This translates directly into what many would regard as a terrible work ethic. I simply haven't worked a real job of any sort in over a decade.

Instead I've spent my time learning how the world works through experience. Discovering new places, new cultures, and new ways of doing things and doing so in a fun adventurous way. This would not have been possible if I was living paycheck to paycheck working a 9-5 like so many do.

To someone else getting the most of what life has to offer may be about building a business, having lot's of money, toys, and notoriety within their community. So this is kind of a humble disclaimer, explaining that my way is not the best way or only way. It could be someone's worst night mare. Living non-local in many different countries how I do works for me, and I've mastered the art of Living Travel Pro! In this multi post series I'll go over step by step of how it's done and done right.

Get Your Money Straight

I could have titled this part, get your time straight. Have you ever heard that expression "Time is Money". Well it's true even if you don't have a job, don't have much income, and you just want to be free to roam the planet living out of a backpack.

If you ain't got no money, you ain't got no freedom! Feel free to quote me on that! Without any freedom your world of options, choices, and possibilities are limited. You can say, without any money your options, choices, and possibilities are limited.

So first and for most if you want to Live Travel Pro you're going to need endless free time, plenty of options and choices. Which means your going to need money; and not just a few hundred bucks you borrow from a friend. You're going to need a never ending supply of money; something most people call an "income".

So how do you get an income without working is the first thing most people would ask. Well, there are many ways and they all usually start with someone working very hard and saving a bunch of money and investing it. If you can start to run your life like you are a lending bank rather than a borrowing credit card holder this would help you out immensely!

I personally have had waves of money come and go throughout my life, and what I've done with these waves of money has had much to do with the freedom I have. My first wave of money came at a young age of 20-24 working 60 hours a week in South Korea running my own teaching business.

I was able to squander most of it. But I learned never to do that again. But I did end up with a house, which gave me a long term rental income. So now I'm a landlord/ real estate investor at the young age of 24. I was no longer trading hours for dollars. I was trading rental space for dollars. I had free time and income.

So one way to get your money straight is get an income that doesn't occupy your time; often through investment. How you get that first chunk of money can be through hard work and business building like me. It can be through your great uncle Tony who passed away and left you something. It could be through slow and steady saving over a decade of hard work. It could be from those five bit-coins you bought a couple years ago at 100 dollars a piece!

One thing is for sure is that you can't even begin to Live Travel Pro if you're broke, in debt, living pay check to pay check, and just struggling to live how you are at the moment. You have to, have to, have to! Get a nice chunk of cash, not squander it, but get it working for you in a safe way.

That's key to get money working for you in a safe manner, something you can trust, and rely on. Living Travel Pro is not about becoming a millionaire, it's about becoming a millionaire in free time. That does not take nearly as big of an investment or risk! What you do with your free time, is up to you! I choose to travel and live internationally actually maximizing my spending power in other countries which we'll learn all about in a later part.

In the next part we'll talk more about ways to get your money working for you and if there are alternatives in general to getting this needed income stream to Live Travel Pro! Until next time - Dan "World Travel Pro"

Not To be Missed!

Travel Pro Adventure #14: Hiking the South Western Coast of San Cristobal Island, Galapagos! Part One, Rainy Morning Start on Rout to Playa Punta Carola! (30 photos)

Travel Pro Places of Interest #8: Shipwreck Bay San Cristobal Galapagos Islands! Part Three (12 photos)

Travel Pro Deals #4: Three Travel Pro Deals Found in Ecuador and a Very Serious Travel Pro Revelation! (9 photos)

Real Life Captured #73: Carnival Parade in Guayaquil Ecuador! Part Three (10 photos, 1 video)

Travel Pro Adventure #13: Hiking the Southern Coast of San Cristobal Island, Galapagos! Final Part Four. Animals, Sun, and a Whole Lot of Fun! (36 photos, 1 video)

Travel Pro Places of Interest #10: Cemetery of San Cristobal Island in the Galapagos! Part One (14 photos)

With over 11 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a Steemit post just for you!

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