Hitchhiking adventures in Italy - Pitigliano Part 1 #6

This is my first post about a magical place called Pitigliano. When we left Lago di Bolsena we got some cold water bottles as a gift by the cafe I mentioned in my last post. This was awesome for it was very hot day and we enjoyed the water so much.

We hitchhiked all the way to Pitigliano. We were really lucky to not get in trouble for we heard before that hitchhiking next to the road with thumbs up is illegal in Italy. But when the police passed by they did not give us a fine or anything. This beautiful flower field was one of the places where we waited for a new car to pick us up... for several hours...

When we arrived at the next town we bought some nice fruits like grapes and nectarines. Enjoying their juicy taste I felt like a late roman decadent empress.

This is the beautiful town of Pitigliano that was built on a huge rock. When entering the town I just could not stop taking pictures for everything seemed worthy to be photographed.

So here we have the town again. But a bit closer...

This archway above the road was very impressive to me.

Isn't this one of the most charming snickelway you have ever seen?

Or would you prefer to live here and have a chat and a glass of wine with your neighbours in the evening?

There was a nice statue of a donkey. The locals call this important friend and helper "villanu".

Have some kisses :-*

Is it just me or are all streets in Pitigliano gateways for the imagination to go crazy?

Every path you followed through town lead to an amazing viewpoint to look down into the green valleys that surround the town a view hundred meters below.

I fell in love with all the cute little stairs that lead into the houses. They inspired me to think that there are secrets to discover behind each and every door.

After this long day of hitching and hiking we were very hungry so we looked around for a nice place to eat. Most of the food in town was quite expensive but we found this fancy place which had prices affordable for low budget travellers. We payed 25 Euros for two main dishes, coke to drink and a shared tiramisu as dessert.

We had some great pasta. The taste was excellent but I could have easily eaten twice the size of the meal.

We followed the road for some hours walking in the complete dark. When we arrived in the valley we chose to follow a small path and camp next to the river. In my next post I will show you the awesome place we camped at and tell you how we ended up in Pitigliano a second time...

The way to Ostia - 1
Ostia Antica -1.1
Bracciano -2
Viterbo -3
Tuscania -4
Lago di Bolsena -5

Lots of Light and Love <3

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