Hitchhiking adventures in Italy - Pitigliano Part 2 #7

When we woke up this was the amazingly beautiful place we had no idea about when we built our tent in the middle of the night. As you can see tell by the plaster on my shoulder the backpacking adventures had caused the first injuries. I have one birthmark on the shoulder that did not like my backpack so much and started bleeding. In the end it was no problem because we were prepared and had plasters with us. So remember this: If you are outside hiking, backpacking and hitching: Always take plasters! You never know what stupid thing might happen to you ;)

Anyways... As we woke up and discovered this stunning scenery we were very happy we choose this place for our tent. In the night we had been kind of paranoid that someone might come and find us there so we left a message in stupid traveller Italian saying that we were looking for a place to sleep and that we did not know who to ask if it was okay to stay here. We also wrote that we respect the natural surrounding and that we won't leave trash.

But in the night there was so much rain and when we looked at our little paper no one would have been able to read it anymore. Anyways there was no one making trouble anyways. So we packed our tent and our backpacks and started hiking back to the road.

Following the road we found a path with a sign saying something like "natural waterfall" so of course we decided to go there. It was still hot and we had not taken a bath yet.

The path was longer than we thought but we carried these very heavy backpacks so maybe it only appeared that long. On the other side every minute I had to stop to just breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the wonderful natural world unfolding in front of me :)

After some time following such a calm walk through nature with no sound except your steps and the birds songs you forget there is a weight on your back...

A glimpse of water... so we were coming closer to the promised waterfall :D

The pictures could not really capture the magical way the light was floating through the leaves. I was trying hard to capture that lovely scenery and I think this is my best shot.

And here it is: the waterfall. What a calming, friendly sight.

Back then I was not feeling so comfortable with my body so I did not want to take nude pictures. Anyways I think this is one really nice picture of me, isn't it? After taking it we enjoyed the cold water without clothes of course. For me taking a bath without wearing anything is the best way to get in touch with nature.

After getting back on the track we found this bridge and since it looked so enchanted we walked over the magical bridge without realizing where it would lead us.

Now the hard part began. We had to go up the little path that got steeper and steeper...

... deeper and deeper into a world of green and greener.

Of course this could not bother us. Look at this expression on my face: full of strength! :D :D :D

We discovered another waterfall on our way up to who knows where. We made a break there to watch the water and contemplate.

Further up we discovered this cavity. I have not mentioned it yet but the rocks surrounding Pitigliano are all eroded by the people to use the caves as cellars or who knows for what. This cavity did not have a closed door so we could explore it a bit.

The decoration of the cavity was nice... a wooden pentangle... :D

Also it was nice and cool. The perfect place to drink a sip of water to gain the strength to walk further up. After hours of hiking up the rocky area going back was no option.

This is the wonderful view we had when we realized we were back in Pitigliano... If you haven't seen m last post you should definatly check it out! Pitigliano is a beautiful place and full of magic. The hiking trip was exhausting but totally wearth it eventhough we ended up where we had started the night before. So we decided to take a bus to another town we had been recommended to visit: Sovana. In my next post I will show you the place and how the journey continued... Thank you so much for reading and checking out my blog. I hope you enjoy this travel blog as much as I do writing it <3

The way to Ostia - 1
Ostia Antica -1.1
Bracciano -2
Viterbo -3
Tuscania -4
Lago di Bolsena -5
Pitigliano Part 1 -6

Lots of Light and Love <3

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