My Life's Journey - Finally rebuilding our home with my father after it was ravaged by war. Part 2 - Progress

As promised here is the progress report from the work on our house in the past week. For those of you just joining in you can read the first post so you can catch to the entire story about the rebuilding of my home in Drnis, Croatia.


Anway as you remember guys we started with stripping down the walls and fixing the water damages done to them causes by the leaks from our balconies on the second floor which is now fixed. Just refresh your memory here is how it all looked at the beginning.

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From there we started working on laying down gypsum boards along the stairs to the second floor which took some careful planning, patience, and some hard work. Here is how it looked after a couple of days of work.

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As you can see we placed 3 big gypsum boards and filled the whole made by water damage. From there we went on laying down gypsum boards along the stairs and we got a lot of work done, but there is a lot of work to be done. I mean a lot of work. But before we go further along the progress we did I want to share two a bit funny stories while we were working. One is connected to how clumsy I am for anything besides basketball and the other of my father pride preventing him from admitting a big mistake he made.

First one starts with me trying to mix the glue and cement we needed to the attach the gypsum boards to the walls. So basically I added a bit too much water to the mixture and did not notice the whole mixture was a bit So here I am taking the machine to mix it up altogether and instead of setting on slow rotation I put it on the max speed. Do you get where I am going with this? lol I am laughing at myself while writing this.

So basically high speed instead of slow, and too much water leading to me sprinkling the mixture all over the walls around me and the door entering our living room. I was soaked in it. My legs were covered with it, and I think some flew into my mouth. lol I was laughing so hard. My dad just looked at me and started laughing saying this is classic Duro. "Stick to basketball son." Thank you, dad, for the vote of confidence. lol I did not take a photo of everything around me but this is how the door looked like.


Anyways, you know how older people have their pride, and would not sometimes admit their mistakes. I mean for me it is simple. I make a mistake. Acknowledge it, and move on. But, for my dad, it is almost never the case. There is always something else wrong, but it was not his mistake.

So as we were cutting the bottom of gypsum board so it fits the indentations of the stairs. I noticed he made the wrong measurements and that it will not fit. I mean not even close. He really usually does not make these kinds of mistakes. But as many times as I told him it was wrong he would not listen. So, I just stopped talking and let him cut it the wrong way, and we did. Of course, when trying to fit along the stairs we missed the measurement by I am not even kidding 15-20cm. I mean by a mile. Not even close. I just started laughing so hard on the inside when he started to get angry and curse some Croatian words. He has a lot of them. lol

For 20 minutes he argued with how the wall was crooked, and many others reasons why it was not his fault. Even when I told him before we cut it was wrong. It was the crooked wall. It was my glasses. lol Finally, I just went along for whatever the reason he found for not being his fault so we can move on and fix the problem. Otherwise, none of the work would be done. So after the "crooked wall" accepted reason we went along with work and managed to do a lot of work. Here is how it all looks now.

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Even though we have completed a lot of work there is still a lot of work ahead of us. We have to finish laying the last layer of mixture over gypsum boards and prepare it for painting. But before we can paint it we have to scrape the old paint above the stairs and fix the window on top of the stairs. We also have to tear down the railing on the side of the stairs, and refinish it and paint it. After all that is done we can paint the gypsum boards. O yes plus we have to add another layer of new cement in the entrance hallway to fix all the cracks and crooked parts of the wall. So basically a lot of work to be done.

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Even though there is still plenty of work to be done to rebuild our home we are looking forward to it, and enjoying the process as much as we can. Plus we are capturing some memories which will last us forever. Every time I pass these wall in the future it will remind me of the days my dad, and me fixing them with our own two hands. Great memory in my book of life.

"If you truly want to do something you will be grateful for, do it with your own two hands."

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Anway's guys, I hope I did not bore you too much with my story telling. Next time I do progress report I hope we will close to finished with it all for this year. Even when all that we designate to finish for this year there is plenty of work on our home to bring it back to former glory. Looking forward to the challenge. Hopefully no more cement in my mouth in the future and more on the walls. lol

Thank you for reading. Sending you much love. :)

If you want to keep up with the updates on our progress it will be under this #rebuildingourhome.

Here are some of my other posts this week. :)

Color Challenge - Tuesday Orange Sunset Submission


"Start saying I CAN, and start believing with all your HEART." Expressing my thoughts - Motivational Post 4


My Life's Journey - Amazing day with my brother Nikola.

My Life's Journey - Finally rebuilding our home with my father after it was ravaged by war.


My Life's Journey - The unexpected gift on the horizon.


An incredible story of a man who saved 669 children from Nazi Death Camps. Must see. Expressing my thoughts - Motivational post 3



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