Hidden Gems no.2


I have accepted a mission: to explore strange new blogs, to seek out new posts and new minnows, to boldly go where no Steemian has gone before! yes, I'm a geek...

The Mission

I will be trawling through this very platform hunting out those hidden gems, the undiscovered countries of newly arrived promising authors, freshly spawned minnows if you like. I wish to put a spotlight on those I think are deserving of a much wider audience and this mission starts NOW.


Today's picks start with @swelker101 - his latest offering made me well up as he told a touching tale about one of his physiotherapy patients.

Beautiful writing that deserves to be spread far and wide. Coincidentally he also happens to be the husband of one of yesterday's mentions, @isaria.


Next up is @arbitrarykitten - in the following post she reveals the realities of an often hidden aspect of society that many of us are fortunate enough to have not gone through, homelessness.

It certainly made me think on the plight of the homeless and I am thankful for the life I have: things could always be so much worse.


@judym is my next mention. I ran across her post describing a journey to nearby Pemberton in British Columbia. She tells a great tale interlaced with beautiful photographs of the stunning scenery, of her lunch destination - an eatery called Mile One - and of the awesome artwork to be found in the area.


A self described 'Hip-Hop Psychonaut, @rondonson had me contemplating the meaning of love, metaphysics and quantum entanglement.

I love to be challenged to think and to ponder upon the meaning of life and of the self. Thank you @rondonson for this well written piece.


@bdmomuae is a South African lady called Belinda, living in the United Arab Emirates. Her philosophical piece about the formula to finding truth was extremely well researched and written.

Touching on the meaning of words, linguistic analysis and logical symbolism it is a very informative and interesting read.


My final pick for today is @fatpandadesign. His posts have painted a dark picture of his former life as a drug addict struggling with suicide.

His last post on the subject was particularly disturbing while also being inspirational: he has successfully kicked the drug habits and turned his life around. He is even celebrating being 6 months free from heroin by doing a skydive. See here for details. The stories of his life are difficult to read, but are also fantastically well written.

Please check out their blogs and, if you agree with me, give them a follow. I am sure they will appreciate it and your feed will be filled with more great work in the future.

Do you know of any undiscovered gems worthy of sharing? An artist, writer, blogger or singer/performer who could benefit from appearing in these regular posts? Drop me a message in Steemit chat with a link to their work and I will consider them for future inclusion.

I have also begun a #steemgig where I will pay you 5 SBD for every post submitted by you that I feature on these posts.

See below for details.


Picture Source - edited

Special Mention

If you are on the lookout for more established Steemians you can do no better than visiting @cem and his regular Who to Follow Daily (WTF!). He first regales you with a humorous look at his day then presents you with a list of THE accounts to follow on Steemit.

Proud member and supporter of the minnow support project - brought to you by @aggroed, @ausbitbank, @teamsteem, and @canadian-coconut
Click HERE to learn more

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