[Translation][Spanish] BiglyBT (1019 words) (Part 4)



BiglyBT's Github Repository

Project Details

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BiglyBT is a cross-platform open source torrent client that can be best described as a fork of Vuze / Azureus that is ad-free and without other pasted on features.

BiglyBT includes an integrated Java Runtime Environment, eliminating the need to install it to use this torrent client. It also has numerous options for settings along with remote control via Android apps (any app that supports the Transmission RPC).

Contribution Specifications

BiglyBT is currently being translated into more than 50 languages, I'm contributing to making the BiglyBT project accessible to Venezuela's Spanish speaking community online.

I was assigned to translate this project into Spanish (Venezuela), which has been a very good opportunity for me as I'm from Venezuela, which makes me a perfect candidate to contribute and translate this project in the best way possible.

Translation Overview

The terminology of the text translated is mostly related to website lingo: unloadable, chat, profile, cache, files, save location, network, etc.

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I was assigned to translate a quarter of the text in the master folder of the BiglyBT project, as shown in the following image:

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These are some of the words I translated while working on master:

1 . Log

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2 . Network

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3 . Download Speed Limit

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4 . Initial Tags

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5 . Torrent Information

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6 . Share Successful

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The project's source language is English and it was translated into Spanish (Venezuela).

Besides collaborating as a translator for Open Source Projects on Crowdin I also work as a Freelance Translator for a law firm in the US, I've been working for that company for 7 months, translating sworn statements and legal documents from English to Spanish and viceversa.

Open Source Projects I've worked on and contributed as a translator:

1 . Verdaccio

2 . OroCRM

3 . BiglyBT (the project I'm currently assigned to translate)

Word Count

Number of words translated on this project (not counting word duplicates or code):

Part 1: 758 words:

Part 2: 1050 words:

Part 3: 1044 words:

Part 4: 1019 words.

Total of words translated so far: 4024 approximately.

Proof of Authorship

(Words translated on my first contribution for BiglyBT) Big 1.png

(Words translated on my second contribution for BiglyBT)

(Words translated on my third contribution for BiglyBT)
Big 16.png

(Words translated on this contribution for BiglyBT, total of words translated so far)
Big 25.png

Links related to the translation:

BiglyBT on Crowdin:

BiglyBT's Translation Report:

My Crowdin Profile:

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