[Translation][Spanish] OroCRM (1141 words) (Part 8)



OroCRM´s Github Repository

Project Details

Reporte 41.png

OroCRM is an Open-Source Customer Relationship Management Software.

OroCRM allows you to create a 360° view of your customers across multiple channels, organize the sales pipeline, manage account and contact information, communicate with customers, run marketing campaigns and track campaign performance.

Contribution Specifications

OroCRM is currently being translated into more than 35 languages, I contributed to making the OroCRM project accessible to Colombia's Spanish speaking community online.

I was assigned to translate this project into Spanish (Colombia). There is also the Spanish (General) section on the project's Crowdin, along with Spanish (Argentina) and Spanish (Mexico).

Translation Overview

The OroCRM platform works with MailChimp and Dotmailer and Magento. MailChimp and Dotmailer are online marketing companies that provide their clients with e-mail marketing services for their businesses, and Magento is an e-commerce platform that provides online merchants with multiple tools for the functionality of their online store; thus, the concepts and the terminology found in OroCRM are mostly related to the world of e-commerce and marketing.

In this part of my contribution for OroCRM, I finished translating 3 folders:

1 . OroCRMDotmailerBundle
Reporte 43.png

2 . OroCRMMailChimpBundle
Reporte 45.png

3 . OroCRMMagentoBundle
Reporte 44.png

These are some of the words I translated while working on the aforementioned folders:

1 . Soft & Hard Bounce
Reporte 46.png

Reporte 47.png

A hard bounce is an e-mail message that has been returned to the sender because the recipient's address is invalid. A hard bounce might occur because the domain name doesn't exist or because the recipient is unknown. When the recipient's name is known, e-mail may be rejected because the sender's mail box is full or for other reasons. This is known as a soft bounce.

Taken from:

2 . GMT
Reporte 48.png

It is Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.), now more officially known as Universal Time (UT). This is the local civil time at the former site of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England, which is located on the prime meridian. It is used as the basis for standard time in most countries of the world.

Taken from:

  1. DST

Reporte 49.png

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of setting the clocks forward 1 hour from standard time during the summer months, and back again in the fall, in order to make better use of natural daylight.

Taken from:


The project's source language is English and it was translated into Spanish (Colombia).

Besides collaborating as a translator for Open Source Projects on Crowdin I also work as a Freelance Translator for a law firm in the US, I've been working for that company for 7 months, translating sworn statements and legal documents from English to Spanish and viceversa.

Word Count

Number of words translated on this project (not counting word duplicates or code):

Part 1: 1070 words:

Part 2: 1040 words:

Part 3: 1040 words:

Part 4: 1119 words:

Part 5: 1017 words:

Part 6: 1040 words:

Part 7: 1024 words:

Part 8: 1141 words.

Total of words translated: 8491.

Proof of Authorship:

(Words translated on my first contribution for OroCRM)
REPORT 1.png

(Words translated on my second contribution for OroCRM)
Report 5.png

(Words translated on my third contribution for OroCRM)
Report 9.png

(Words translated on my fourth contribution for OroCRM)
Report 11.png

(Words translated on my fifth contribution for OroCRM)
Reporte 22.png

(Words translated on my sixth contribution for OroCRM)
Reporte 28.png

(Words translated on my seventh contribution for OroCRM)
Reporte 33.png

(Words translated on this contribution for OroCRM, total of words translated)
Reporte 42.png

Links related to the translation:

OroCRM on Crowdin

OroCRM's Translation Report

My Crowdin Profile

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