Airesis Translation | Traditional Chinese Version Part 7 - 317 Strings Translated

Contribution to the Open Source Project - Airesis Translation

Slowly and surely, I am moving forward with this Airesis Translation. This is a mega project as the project owner has 19,297 words for us to translate to our native language.

Recap of the last few posts of Airesis Translation Project to Traditional Chinese

  1. I have already done Airesis Translation Part 1 & 2 a few days ago.
  2. I also did Airesis Translation Part 3 but no link since it did not get rewarded.
  3. I also did Airesis Translation Part 4, 5, 6 two days ago

Part 7 of Airesis Translation

Part 7 of Airesis Translation has to do with the 'main' part of the app. This part of the app has the most translation.

I translated 317 strings of this Main Part

The following screen shots show my activities in this part of this long translation.


Today, I finished the 24 pages and did 317 strings of translations.

These 317 strings are in the Main Section of the app

The following screen shows where it was when I began the translation. It was at 50% done.


And when I finished the 24 pages of translation with 317 strings translated, the blue line only reaches to 88%. There is another set of 24 pages to go, so I will wait until tomorrow to work on them. So I want the moderators to see that this is an on-going work that needs time to complete because of the bulk of words that are in this app.

The following screen shot shows how much percentage is finished in this Part 7 Translation.


This 'main' part now is only 83%.

I promise I will continue to work on this translation until it is finally finished.

But because of the big bulk of translation to do, I am outlining my translation in "Parts" so hopefully by next week, the whole project can be completed.

This entire translation is 24 pages long

Usually inside a section, there are about 5 or 6 pages but because this is the 'main' part of the app, there are a few rounds of 24 pages.

Here is the beginning of the 24 pages that I started in the translation:


The orange bullets show that the pages have not been translated so I started on Page 1.

Here is the 'end of the 24 pages' with all the translations done and finished.


So in this post, I want to account for these 397 strings of words done in this first round of 24 pages.

Process of Translation

From past experiences, I never realized that it was important to show the actual process of our translation. So I am improving in reporting the translations as time moves on. I had to remind myself to do some print screens along the way to show places where I offered different kind of translations that are very different from what was suggested from the board.

Some Examples of New translations I offered to the project:

I only did some print screens and not all of them, so I will just post a few examples here.


For the bracket English words, we are not to translate as it is computer language. I translated it before but the board would not accept it until the English words are there. so that is why those English words remain there.


There are more narratives and paragraphs in this 'main' section of the app, so these strings of words need to be reworded. Unlike phrases which are easier, these long sentences need rephrasing again.



Text of the Traditional Chinese words translated in this section.

We are asked to see if it is possible to provide the entire passage of all the translations we have done for this section.

I will try to copy and paste the entire translation as much as possible here.

Please Note: The English words in the brackets had to remain in the translation so sometimes the chinese translation can be done before or after the bracket. The English words cannot be taken out because the board will not save the translation when the English words are taken out.

Proofs to show I did the translation for this section 7

Here is the link from the Crowdin:

Here is the Github link for this project:

Thank you for attention,

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