2 hour lentil bolognese

Hey guys,

I'm back with a stunning recipe for you. And oh don't let the time scare you. The tomato sauce will handle it self :).

As we all know the longer tomato sauce is on the stove the better it will taste.
I have been wanting to make some vegan bolognese for a long time. We are currently on a clean eating diet and there fore I didn't want to add any processed fake meats. So lentils it is.

The sauce tasted delicious and you can alter it to fit your tastebuds as you please.

Delcious and satisfying



  • 1 litre of passed tomatoes
  • 1 union
  • 1-3 garlic cloves (depends on the size I used a pretty big one)
  • 1 red chilli
  • A bunch of basil leafs
  • 1 cup of lentils
  • Salt and pepper


  • Chop up your onion in large pieces and pulse in a blender (yes I'm lazy and hate large onion pieces.
  • Chop up your chilli.
  • Fry your onion, chilli and minced garlic until soft on medium heat.
  • Add the passed tomatoes and reduce the heat to simmer.
  • Chop up 10 basil leafs. Add some salt and pepper.
  • Let cook for 1 hour and a half and taste. Add more basil, salt and pepper if necessary.
  • Add the lentils and let cook on low heat for 30 minutes or until soft.

Serve with pasta or in our case bulgur.

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If you liked this post and want to read more then feel free to visit some of my other posts :)

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Swedens first all vegan ice cream bar is open

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Have you been using tags wrong this whole time?

Thank you for taking your time and read my post. It means a lot to me.
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Lots of love to you all / Nicole <3


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