Splendid What-App (What Q&A) Review: First STEEM Decentralized Q&A App! Ask & Learn šŸ˜Ž

A few days ago, I was thinking about a project like QUORA but on the Steem Blockchain. Where users can ask or answer and get rewarded for every such action. Upvotes and Comments should be common to the application and @steemit.

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Whatever I was thinking at that moment was already a reality. I found this post trending under the #Steem and #Introduceyourself tag - READ HERE. It tells you about once such wonderful app called @what-app created by @shango dada(Big Brother in hindi) as a lead developer.
Today I will review this app which I have downloaded recently! It is available for both Android and iOS. Now this is sweet because the whole world is on Mobile, everyone owns smartphones. People live and breathe on the internet. Although there is no web-app available. I would have loved it but that's okay. 60-70% of my time is spent on my phone! :-)



Have you ever heard about https://steemtracked.com? If your answer is NO, then click on the link, enter your username and see a great range of statistics for your Steemit Profile. Now you can see your upvotes' earnings of last 28 days. If the graph is going down, you need to change your habits on Steemit. :-) You can also see the monthly overview of your posts, individual estimated earnings, earnings done by time, your upvote's worth, post engagements and tons of other data compiled under one website having kickass UI. If this doesn't interest you then check https://what-app.io/ which is another great project under @shango's name as he is the common entity between the two projects :-D

You can connect with him:
Discord: shango#7892
Steem.Chat: shango



What-app is a Question & Answer app where you get rewarded. Ask questions and earn money, can you believe it? And of-course the answer them and earn more money. You can also mark answers that you like. Right now it's available on Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Alternatively, you can go to https://what-app.io/ and find those links. You can also go to your respective App Stores and type "What-Q&A" to find the application. Click on these links, download the app and enjoy a never seen before experience of getting rewarded for asking and answering.

As per @what-app's recent post about the release of iOS & Android Apps, a web version is currently under development although for mobile devices, it is already available. Now if you see their roadmap, they have come out pretty fast. In Dec, 2017 the app was first announced and then iOS version was released in Jan, 2018 followed by Android version release in March, 2018. Looks like the speed of light to me. Once the web app gets released in Q3, they will start re-branding and promotion of the application. Good times ahead with the inclusion of SMTs in 2019.



Once you download the app and open it, you will find login button on the top right corner of the screen. Once you click that, you will see an option to "Sign In via Steemconnect", click that as well and sign by using your private Active Key or Owner key. In the main screen, you will be able to see some questions asked by various other users. To answer any of these, just click on the question and you will be redirected to next window where you will find a button to "Submit Answer". Just write the answer and post it by clicking "Add Answer" as show in the below GIFs:

What Q&A Login.gif

How To Login

Untitled Project.gif

Submit Your First Answer

Your answer will be submitted as a comment on a Steemit Post which is originally a question by someone else. Your answers can be seen under "Answers" Tab and in your profile!



As you answered your first question, and scanned through a number of other questions and their answers, now it's time to ask your first question. This is the first question I asked - What Is The Best Upvoting Bot Service You Have Used?
And it got an upvote from @therealwolf as well. Seems like @what-app is quite lucky for me. Yay :')
The only thing I want to mention here is that #what-qa is the default tag added by the app. "Category" (2) is also the tag which will be added in the post but consider it as the main one. Rest, you have an option to add 3 more tags which makes the total 5.

Blank Question Fields

Filled Question Fields

I will now discuss each and every section of the app with the help of screenshots and GIFs so pay attention. :-)


"What Q&A" - FEED

Feed section of this app is pretty simple and neat. It has 3 tabs:

  • New: Instead of showing every Steemit post, it only shows the latest or new questions which were made through the app.
  • Following: This section displays the questions from the people you follow.
  • Trending: This section shows the trending questions made on the app that got the most activity over the past 7 days.

This is how your normal feed looks with other options that I will explain one by one!




This is a very unique feature, feels like Tinder of Q&A and my favorite. You can swipe LEFT to see the new question and swipe RIGHT to open the question and its answers. See the GIF below:

Untitled Project625fc6d0.autosave.gif


"What Q&A" - ANSWERS

This section will show up the answers that were given by other users on the questions you asked through the app. This is great as it deserved a separate tab. These are also the replies to the steemit post which was made when you post questions. Earlier I thought that this section would reveal the answers I had given to questions asked by other users. but those answers will be displayed in Profile section. On the First Question which I asked, I got two answers or replies but both of them are automatic or maybe done by bots. One of them was a spam comment and other one was a warning message by @arcange that informs other users about the spam and how to handle it. Cheers to him for his great initiative. :-)


"What Q&A" - PROFILE

It shows your username, no. of followers, no. of peeps you are following, the questions you have asked so far through the app and the answers you have given to others' questions. :-) Perfect display of information, not very cluttered.



Other than the above two tabs, we have "Settings" that can be found by clicking the button at the top right corner of the screen when you are on this section. Set your voting power and currency to be displayed under each post. :-) App gives you three options i.e. Dollar, Euro and Pound.



When you search any keyword, the results displayed will have that keyword in Questions or Answers or Username of the people who asked those questions or answered them. This will filter and sort all major questions and I think more options will come in the subsequent updates.

Search By Username

Search By Tag Or Keyword



The app is equipped with all necessary features to get started. I feel that there are many areas of improvement and I am sure that will be fulfilled in the coming updates. Overall UI & experience of the app is pretty smooth especially the "SWIPE" feature. I would rate this app as 4 out of 5. Considering the quality of users on the Steem Blockchain, we might witness some great questions that would be asked and to top that, we might have some great answers. I would request my readers and friends to use the app for any kind of question they have in their minds related to any domain. Let's ask, learn and make some money :-D


I hope you liked this review and you will download this app today. Please support me by upvoting and resteeming this post. Leave your comments below if you have any questions regarding the app. Also, tell me what should I review next. If I like your idea or the topic you suggest then you will win a full 100% upvote from my side, plus a mention in the next post. Cheers!

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Follow me on Steemit:
@hungryhustle & @dmaniagod

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