Goddess Feminine Rising - #1 - Women Who Run With the Wolves & My 21st Birthday - Day 4 Entry Week 4 SBBWA Challenge

Hey Steem Fam,

I started a tradition on my twenty first birthday.


I decided I'd buy myself a meaningful birthday present every year.

Back then on my 21st birthday, the first year of this tradition, I walked down the lovely lane between Irvine Hall where I lived on campus and the bookstore.

I remember feeling so happy to be doing this new thing for myself on that birthday. It marked a turning point somehow.

I loved that bookstore so I knew exactly where to go to find something I would like. And I did. Fairly quickly.

I was astonished and excited at what I'd found because it was exactly what I needed and more than I could have wished for.

And it did change my life.

Between then and now, every time I've felt my wild calling, muffled, silently raging, whimpering or roaring lioness-style, I remember my 21st birthday present to myself.

It was the book, "Women Who Run With the Wolves"* by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés.


I have wanted to start this Goddess Feminine Rising series for some weeks now, but it wanted to sit and gel a bit more.

I created the graphic late last week.

Knew what I wanted to write.

But it still wanted to sit and wait a bit.

Now it's time.

I thought it fitting to share the quote that gripped me when I read it on the book's back cover on my 21st birthday in that bookstore.

"Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman, but she is an endangered species. Though the gifts of wildish nature come to us at birth, society's attempt to 'civilize' us into rigid roles has plundered this treasure, and muffled deep, life-giving messages of our own souls. Without Wild Woman, we become overdomesticated, fearful, uncreative, trapped."

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D

Carrying that book to my favorite pouie tree to sit on the bench below it while I started to read, I felt like I'd met a sister.

Each story she shared in every new chapter brought tears of relief, aching resonance and then joy at the power of the prose.

At the choice to breathe and live and step into Self that most of the women made at key points in their story lives.

Through this new series, I look forward to sharing this journey of exploring the Goddess with you.

The Goddess is the Divine Feminine within each one of us, man and woman.

We will explore Her together.

But now, I have to run.

I'm going to buy the Kindle version of Women Who Run With the Wolves* that I bought myself decades ago on my 21st birthday.

It's time to renew that birthday gifting tradition. A bit over two weeks late but no matter.

I still have the original book I bought, btw. I had it bound with a hard cover way back then. But I'd also like a copy I can read via my phone and PC if I feel like.

Take good care until next time and may the Goddess be with you, ;)

Angela xox

PS Would you like to read Women Who Run With the Wolves* along with me?

PPS Would you also like to receive personal emails with Soul alignment and other consciousness development nuggets via my ["Soul Self Help Insights}(http://www.AngelaChenShui.com/gifts) newsletter?

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui. Worldwide rights reserved.

*Amazon affiliate link. If you do purchase from Amazon via my link, I will earn a small affiliate commission. Thank you in advance.

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