Accidental Waste

Her sweet countenance, her warming embrace. Her love was pure and her hopes clean.

I destroyed her.

I didn’t mean to. I was wrapped up in the web of pain from my first love. If I could call it love. I thought it was at the time, I guess that’s why I ruined this one.

I believed love equaled misery and pain. That’s all I knew so that’s what I gave. My callous and careless mask to hide the never closed wounds…

She came to me so open and pure, her smiles lit up the darkness inside me. How I smote that light so easily… so quickly… I’m still reeling.

My own daemons made everything bigger, more sinister. I believe her intentions were worthy but my darkness took over, spilling out of me because I am but one man.

The shadows are too heavy for one man.

It enveloped her, seeped into her until she was ashen and dull. Squeezing every last ray of hope from her, forcing tears of pain to cut jagged through her heart.

I mutilated the luminesce dream with my conjured monsters disguised as guards. The power of depression is far reaching. And I can’t take it back now.

I watch her wither into obscurity. A sweet memory nevermore.

"Callous" a 5 minute #freewrite Check out the Freewriters Guild hosted by the sunny and sparkly @mariannewest

Images via Pexels and Creative Commons

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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