The Romance of the Cougar

Cougars, also known as mountain lions or pumas, have a terribly charming courtship ritual.

The second largest cat in the Americas, cougars are native to the western half of North America and can be found throughout Central and South America. They also inhabit a small part of Florida.

Unlike other large cats, cougars do not roar, but the female purrs like a housecat. In fact, the big cat resembles a housecat in shape with a long, slender body and round head.

Cougars are solitary creatures, but when it comes to courtship the male has got major game.

The female cougar can begin breeding between 2 and 3 years of age. When she is ready to mate she goes into heat and produces a particular scent to alert the males she is ready to start a family. She becomes very active and playful, and will "headbutt" shrubs and trees. Cats have two scent glands at their temples- the act of rubbing her head on everything in her territory leaves traces of her scent as a signal for young, virile males to find.

When a strapping male cougar catches wind that there is pretty young thing of dating age available, he will follow her scent trail. Once he is within eyesight he will climb to the highest point and begin serenading her with his most romantic caterwauling yowls.

If she likes his song, and he proved he will be a good, strong provider based on how high he climbed for her, she will begin singing a duet with him. This signals to him that she wants him, and he will rush to her side to begin his husbandly duties.

They will play, cuddle and wrestle, and mate up to 70 times a day over the next week to ten days, during which time they will rarely leave each other's sides.

After the female is pregnant, the male will return to his rogue, solitary lifestyle.

The female will raise and train their 2-3 cubs, wistfully regaling the little boy cubs with the romantic tales of their father, so when they grow up they too will have great cat love game and be able to land themselves the prettiest lady cat on the mountain.

Images via Pixabay and Pexels

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With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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