"Comments Hid Due to Low Ratings"

@pjcswart recently asked me about this, so I thought I'd share a quick post to let newbies know what it means.

If you see this at the bottom of the comment section of your posts:


It means the person who wrote that comment has a low rep and was downvoted, or flagged, by another user. Typically because their comment was spam, asking for upvotes or follows, or inappropriate.

And if you see this for your own comment, it is because you did something to get flagged.

Asking for upvotes and follows is not polite behavior on Steemit, nor is posting your blog links in the comments of other's posts. And of course it should go without being said that you should always be polite on Steemit. Exercise good manners and just be nice!

Steemit, like anything else, takes work. You must grow, and as you grow you will gain followers and rewards. To grow, you must write original posts, and engage with the community with thoughtful comments. Noone will follow you if you write follow me in their comment section!

And never plagiarize! Copying others work is not only against Steemit rules, it is illegal.

If you are consistent and patient, produce good quality articles and are friendly you will grow and gain your following.

If you build it, they will come :)

STEEM ever onward and upward, and may the cryptos be ever in your favor :)

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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