This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapter before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #15


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Yo yo yo Cloudheads! Hungry? You'd think they need to eat dinner some time, right? I wanted this to be a stark contrast to the lunch chapter a few chapters back. In my quest to write a chiasmus, this is what I came up with. It's not perfect, but it's my best shot at it.

It's funny because while I was editing this chapter, I was chatting with my cousin regarding Zepp's latest check-up with the doctor. We chatted about his food preference, and I found it funny how similar we are when it comes to what we eat. Well, nowadays I eat just about everything, but I wasn't always this prolific eater. There was a time in my life when my mother's hair thinned out of frustration from my, hmm shall we say, pickiness in eating. I was underweight until I was 13 or 14 years old. But, that's a story for a different post.

In terms of eggs, he doesn't eat anything that isn't scrambled. Not sunny-side up, not over-easy, not poached, not boiled. Just scrambled.

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I can't say I blame him. When I was a kid, I was the same way. For some reason, sunny-side up eggs freaked me out. I hated the taste of the egg white. My entry to it was when I dip toasted bread into the yolk. If you haven't tried that, you should definitely eat it that way right now. Soon after, once the yolk is depleted, I sandwich what's left of the egg in between two toasted slices. Although, to this day, I don't eat boiled eggs, unless I'm held at gunpoint or it's the only thing that's served. I'd rather get punched in the face than eat an egg sandwich. That's exclusive to chicken eggs though. I'd eat boiled balut any day.

In terms of drinks, his favorite is Coke. Must be the fizzy sugary aspect of it that he enjoys. No wonder his viento bubbles up from inside him! Cool story: he actually said "Egg" and "Coke" clearly just recently :D Sadly, he wasn't able to repeat it, so no video of that, but still, that's huge progress.


In terms of chicken, he only eats KFC. Thigh and leg part only! Must be the colonel's secret spice rub. For the longest time, I only eat thigh and leg part as well. Nowadays, it's just my go-to preference, but I'd eat a whole chicken without any problem.

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In terms of fruits, it's bananas and oranges, or bust. For chocolates, he only eats Galaxy. (hint hint, if anyone has access to that, you can send some his way :) and mine as well, if you're so inclined :/ )

He hates vegetables. One might argue that it's a bit normal for a six-year old, and even I didn't eat vegetables until I was in highschool. My cousin and her husband tries to sneak them in by mashing them and hiding it beneath his rice, but Zepp's expert palate spots it and spits it out. He even knows how to weed out pepper. He eats hamburgers though, from McDonald's or Jollibee, but I guess that's not sustainable. (FYI Jollibee's a local fast food chain, but they're already branching out abroad)

Here's a video of Anthony Bourdain trying it out:

I remember when I was younger, I would discard the pickles before I ate hamburgers. @randomli still does that and passes it on to me. Looking back, I really regret wasting all those sweet sweet pickles. If I could go back in time, those are some of the points I would travel back to. I imagine I would collect all of the ingredients I discarded and eat all of them while watching the weighing scale as it points out that I'm overweight. Take that skinny @jedau! Hashtag food is life, yo!

While we're on the subject of food, my good buddy @meesterboom actually concocted a tasty tasy Pizza Bianco Jedau just this week. The recipe can be found here. For all you food buffs out there who has an oven, definitely give that a try! The Scottish Scott hasn't failed us before, and this dish definitely follows that positive trend.

Oh, and one other thing. While discussing the previous SILVER LINING, @kiwideb accidentally brought up diets without knowing the contents of this week's SILVER LINING haha! She suggested the GAPS diet, as an effective option for dealing with autism. Here are a few posts she made regarding the topic:

  • About the Gut & Psychology syndrome (GAPS) diet Part 1 – Can it help autism?
  • GAPS diet Part 2: Foods we can’t have
  • GAPS diet Part 3: Foods we CAN have

Definitely something helpful for all of you parents of special needs children out there! She also pointed out that a ketogenic diet often helps with epilepsy. A little tip from a very well read nutrition enthusiast. Thank you, my friend!

These little eccentricities in eating varies from person to person, and it's funny knowing what kinds of food people avoid. Nowadays, I avoid pork like it's the plague. I'm not ashamed to admit it. It's not a religious thing, rather more of a health thing. Do you have any food you avoid? Why do you avoid eating that? List them in the comments section and we'll have a laugh about it :D

Thanks for reading! Follow me, @jedau, if you want to live.

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