* A love that begs is not love *

The love that begs is not love, it is lack of dignity, of respect towards oneself. Because when you really love someone, you take care of them and avoid pain if you can do it, but do not provoke it or believe it.

Therefore, if you do not take care of those "false loves", if you do not avoid pain, you are not loving yourself. In this sense, doing it is the first step to living love fully, so as not to fall into manipulation, abuse or victimization. Probably in that situation we think and feel that suffering is inevitable, but it is not true.

Any human being is capable of surpassing himself, of making it impossible for them to take advantage of their feelings and to value how a relationship does not deserve us because it does not offer us happiness, joy or any growth.

The duel for loving those who do not love you 

Realizing and saying goodbye to a love that does not love us and that does not show us attention or affection requires that we respect our time of mourning. A duel that requires in itself a space for understanding what has happened to us.

The duel for love needs reflection and overcoming, because the anguish of realizing that someone does not love us makes us feel that something devours us inside. We feel that this "no love" has betrayed our feelings and has laughed at our capacity to love.

You have to allow yourself time to get angry, to deny reality, to fantasize. Also to be horrified, to come down, to ignore and know the parts that have been broken and those that remain intact, to recompose the mixed feelings, etc.

All this is essential to love us, to feel important and value ourselves. At the end of the day, when a "no love" is left behind, a process of emotional freedom begins that is framed in the well-being by the farewell to the pain.

The lack of interest kills the love

Love must be demonstrated, not begging. To do so is to subject our capacity to love the worst of the executioners: indifference. Indifference lives from the imbalance in a relationship and is sustained thanks to the weakness of the foundations.

There is nothing better than the signs of continued disinterest to start opening our eyes when we felt compelled to close them.

Then we realize that not all "love" is real love, that not always "want" gets reciprocity and that to be happy as a couple it is necessary that both members laugh together, be accomplices and good lovers.

Only in the absence of lies, excuses and disinterest can a love be created that essentially bases its freedom on healthy behaviors and not on subjugations. We deserve that relationship that having the freedom to choose, be close, be based on appreciation, shared time and thoughts of mutual affection.

It is necessary to nurture our self-esteem, love us well

Nobody can make you unhappy without your consent. To build a happy relationship you have to import, love and value yourself. That is, we must show ourselves that we love each other every day.

Once we get this we will be in a position not to look for someone who does not miss us and show no interest, not give ourselves to the emotional hangman of indifference that we intend to bend with ignored messages or unfounded silences.

No matter the loves that disappoint us, it does not matter if we feel that we are next to the love of our life or that we do not believe in eternal love. True and indispensable love is love for oneself and it will be from this feeling that we can separate and assert what we deserve and what we do not deserve.

             invite you to visit these article

     * Love, even if battles are fought, is not a war *

* Things you should not break: trust, promises and hearts *

              * The day I started to love myself *

           *  The kitchen as a therapeutic tool *

      * Face your darkest emotions to be happy *

   * It seems fashionable not to say what we feel *

     * Balanced motivation: the best way to learn *

    * Discover the beauty of having a unique body *

             * Interoception: beyond the 5 senses *

                            * Attract love to your life *

   * Why it's important not to leave things unfinished *

             * Pareidolia, see ways where there are not *

                    * the best revenge is not revenge *   

                                * a break is not a failure *

         All the images were taken from the public domain

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             I'm waiting for your visit for the next time


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