(*-*) Attract love to your life (*-*)

"True love is disinterested and exempt from all fear. It spills over the object of your affection without asking for anything in return. His joy is in the joy of giving. "
(Florence Scovel)

Love is one of the greatest illusions of the human being. This feeling overflows us with a positive energy that makes everything flow with more freedom.

Have you found yourself desperately searching for the perfect partner? Is your greatest aspiration to feel complemented with the person who turns your world? Maybe, now do not believe that you will succeed but you must not despair.


"Better a cruel truth
than a comfortable illusion. "
(Edward Paul Abbey)

We have grown up surrounded by fairy tales and stories with happy endings that include the prince or the perfect princess. Reality is much more complex than that, so it is time to stop dreaming.

Love is going to come to your life, that's true. But you must learn to see. You are human, your partner will be human and none will be perfect. What you should look for is someone with whom you are compatible, stop waiting for someone to knock on your door and go out to find it.

It is important that you be realistic in what you are looking for. You can not wait forever for the perfect person because it simply does not exist. Find who is compatible with what you are and what you are looking for in the future.


It can happen to you that you have the certainty that in your environment there is nobody that interests you. Well, then you must go out and find it. I do not mean contact pages, although they may work. The best thing is to start a course that interests you a lot, that entertains you and entertains you. It can be yoga, painting, cooking or whatever.

You will see that the people who attend that course have similar interests to yours. You are going to have things in common, just need to see if they are compatible in the rest. What you should always avoid is "go hunting". Focus on getting to know the rest of the participants, have fun and socialize.


"To appear is the key closest to falsehood"

Do you feel that you always get involved with the wrong people? This is more common than you imagine and it happens when we give the wrong image. Make sure you dress and act in the most natural way. Do not look to impress someone or get attention by putting on different clothes to your style.

Whoever looks at you should look at you and be surprised with you as you are. In addition, it is very true that the first impression is very important, surely you will also analyze the other. Think that if the relationship lasts, sooner or later you will see how you really are and if you do not like this new version there will be problems. Who loves you will love you for who you are.


Make your opinions clear from the start. You must say "No" when necessary. The person who is knowing you and wants to be part of your life, should be clear about what your tastes are, what things displease you and what makes you laugh. You do not have to be complacent at the beginning because otherwise, the end is going to be hell.

Sincerity should be your most precious weapon. Do not start the relationship with cheating, games or things that are not true. It's simple: if you cheat on the other person, the relationship will be a lie. Always express what you feel and trust the other to form a stable and safe partner. If there are no unnecessary worries they will only have time to enjoy themselves.


 Do not get obsessed with finding love. This is a process that takes time and during the journey you will know, you will be wrong and surely you will get hurt. However, the final reward is worth it and all the experiences will prepare you for your final relationship. For now, have fun, meet new people and relate to the one that is already in your life.

"True love is nothing other than  the inevitable
 desire to help the other  to be who he is. " 

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       * The pressure of the 30: can we talk about crisis? *

                       * What to do when love is over? *

        All the images were taken from the public domain

 Thanks for taking 5 minutes of your time to read this post

             I'm waiting for your visit for the next time


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